gas price gouging

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Mr. Bassturd said:
nope Ive put on 130000 km in 3 years

sooo lets see that's 130000 divided by roughly 500km a tank =260 (wow seems like 1000 times)

260 tanks of gas x $70 a tank equals you ready for it boys and girls $18200

u know that's the first time I added all that up and damnnnn add on $5000 a year for insurance that is about what the retail price of my car is! plz shoot me noowwww :mrgreen:
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Last time I was up in Bancroft regular gas was 10cents a litre cheaper than it was in the GTA.... how can that be?
If you are in the gas stations before midnight you may hear the phonecall coming in for what price they have to set the pumps at and magically all the gas stations prices are the same except for a few of the independents.
Gasbuddy can tell you who is the lowest in your area.
I don't know what the answer is except shoot all the Politician and Ceo's of all these big Company's why because there all bed with each other and the MP's tell us they are there to look out for us the little guy mean while they just seem to always say a lot and never take any action unless there's a kickback involved,maybe that's the answer we should all take up a collection on this site and ask Mr Harper if the Oil companys can give him a kickback to look out for them why not do the same for us if we give some Dirty Green stuff to him.

Just watch the BP Oil Spill Episode that Jesse Ventura did on his TV Show,it's pretty funny when the head of BP 1 month or 1 week before that Oil spill sold 1/3 of his stocks in BP or an amount close to that number.

Is'nt funny BP 3 months I think it was just before the Oil Spill buys the worlds largest Oil spill clean up company.

I know BP also issued a special kind of insurance you could buy to insure your stocks in BP so that they would not be effected if anything happened to BP that may have rocked the company hard,I might also ad that this insure is hardly ever issued.

It was also brought out by Jesse Ventura and one of the guy's on the show that there would be more money to be made cleaning up that Oil Spill then taking the Oil to market and guess who get's left holding the bag to pay for it the Tax Payer and of coarse it's BP's Oil Spill clean up company that got the contract to clean up this mess.

I know everything I have said has been brought out by many credible news outlet's and can be found on youtube not just what Jesse Ventura has said and the olny thing I know for certain is the BP Oil spill reeks really badly.

I can tell you right now the American people for the most part don't believe that BP had anything to do with that Oil Spill and I'm not saying they set a Bomb off or anything like that but I think it's pretty clear that they knew something was wrong and going to happen because you don't sell off a major chunk of your stocks in a company your the head Ceo if everything is just fine.

And Saddest part of all is in Canada and the USA when you have a bunch of mindless idiot's that can not connect the dot's when thier being lied to and believe my Government would never do something so horrible and cover it up and Lie about that's the kind of idiot's they pray for to show up when you vote just a bunch numb skull's that want to have the wool pulled over there eye's.

I'm 40 year's old and I'm still waiting to see what George Bush Senior said about how we will be living in World with Honest Merchant's and War will be know more by the year 2000.
10k a year nice, you should get a big dirty truck to pull a big boat! I can put on 30 a year easy and a lot of it last year was from driving for fishing. I got rid of my pickup that could pull a nice boat now I got a sedan that can only pull a small boat but way cheaper torn.
river55 said:
10k a year nice, you should get a big dirty truck to pull a big boat! I can put on 30 a year easy and a lot of it last year was from driving for fishing. I got rid of my pickup that could pull a nice boat now I got a sedan that can only pull a small boat but way cheaper torn.
my family friend uses a sedan, I think their better than trucks, they have good efficiency about 40mpg and have a class 3 hitch
personally I want a s-10, ranger or a mazda b2200 with a 4 banger and a 5 speed manual and the tow package good gas mileage and with the manual I can use the gears to my advantage if im towing a boat