girl gets catfish stuck in her leg

Ontario Fishing Forums

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This is jokes. How is that even possible, what part of the fish is able to stab into someone's body like that? Looks like its fin???
Never a fan of catfish myself but that's one moment I wish I was the catfish....except the part they take him home for dinner....
DILLIGAF?! said:
Never a fan of catfish myself but that's one moment I wish I was the catfish....except the part they take him home for dinner....
For sure. In my next life I want to be that catfish. Some nice camera work too!
WHAT IS BRAD GOING TO DO!!!!! lol that was good, she took it like a champ.
ughh thats painful. Got impaled in my hand a few summers ago, hurt like a mother F... for a week
berg said:
This is jokes. How is that even possible, what part of the fish is able to stab into someone's body like that? Looks like its fin???
Yes the dorsal and pectoral fins of smaller catfish are spiny as fk and will stick in your skin. They also have a venom in them that stings like hell.

Best to handle them with care when they're under 5 lbs.