Got a coke???

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nope, too much of any downer gives you ED. specialty does lead to you into thinking you are performing well lol.
That is what I was trying to say, I didn't understand why scotch would give erections in excess.
That is what I was trying to say, I didn't understand why scotch would give erections in excess.
:lol: They were talking about this on The Edge the other day. It's called a whiskey erection, the man feels it, the woman doesn't.
Call me a scientist if you will (FishingNoobs post.) All psychological.

I was talking to the wife the other day! about coffee, pepsi, ect any thing with caffeine.... she couldn't drink any for the last few day!!! lol (that time of the month!!)
it seems caffeine is not good for woman who are at that time of month thing b/c it cause's blood clots.... as soon as she said that it made me think of this topic!
i guessing the caffeine has the same effect on the fish as well.
weird how that works!
I was talking to the wife the other day! about coffee, pepsi, ect any thing with caffeine.... she couldn't drink any for the last few day!!! lol (that time of the month!!)
it seems caffeine is not good for woman who are at that time of month thing b/c it cause's blood clots.... as soon as she said that it made me think of this topic!
i guessing the caffeine has the same effect on the fish as well.
weird how that works!

Women and fish, who knew they had similarities.
I was talking to the wife the other day! about coffee, pepsi, ect any thing with caffeine.... she couldn't drink any for the last few day!!! lol (that time of the month!!)
it seems caffeine is not good for woman who are at that time of month thing b/c it cause's blood clots.... as soon as she said that it made me think of this topic!
i guessing the caffeine has the same effect on the fish as well.
weird how that works!

i'd like to see some scientific evidence for this, a site with citations would suffice. sounds unlikely. lot of athlete take caffine to perform better and if blood clot like that, it would create a lot of heart/brain strokes and they die.

Effect on Blood Clots
Coffee may have an indirect effect on blood clot formation, according to a 2008 study published in the "British Journal of Nutrition." The research team found that coffee inhibits the aggregation of platelets, the colorless, irregularly shaped components of blood that come together to create clots. Clots that form inside blood vessels can lead to stroke and cardiovascular disease. However, it is important to note that it is not caffeine itself that helps prevent the blood clots, but the beneficial antioxidant properties offered by the polyphenol compounds found within coffee.

i'd like to see some scientific evidence for this, a site with citations would suffice. sounds unlikely. lot of athlete take caffine to perform better and if blood clot like that, it would create a lot of heart/brain strokes and they die.

ask any woman about her period, and what caffeine will do to her! maybe not all but 9 out of ten will say.... or will hint that it does happen... i dont suggest going on the streets to ask them about it! but ask your wife or g/f..
im sure any doctor will tell you the same... but how it relates to fish gills bleeding, i donno, im just pertty sure its the same science,

as for the athletes, they are not bleeding or have open wounds, i pretty sure there something to do with the white cells that cause clotting in a wound or or a va jayjay that reacts with the caffeine.. or something. i donno.
but ask any woman, she may tell ya!
ask any woman about her period, and what caffeine will do to her! maybe not all but 9 out of ten will say.... or will hint that it does happen... i dont suggest going on the streets to ask them about it! but ask your wife or g/f..
im sure any doctor will tell you the same... but how it relates to fish gills bleeding, i donno, im just pertty sure its the same science,

as for the athletes, they are not bleeding or have open wounds, i pretty sure there something to do with the white cells that cause clotting in a wound or or a va jayjay that reacts with the caffeine.. or something. i donno.
but ask any woman, she may tell ya!

i copy and pasted my research after i read what you wrote. i think the coffee affects clotting, not caffeine. you are welcome to look it up and prove me wrong.