Guide to eating Ontario Sportfish - the new interactive website

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
This is a new interactive platform.

They are making good progress this year. this is the second interactive fishing website by MNR
Thanks for posting that up. Was checking out the fish that go through the Ganny and the rainbow trout has four different contaminants. Yuck.
Humber River - Old Mill: 0 Chinook salmon

The faster the salmon get snagged by the dam, the faster there will be no more snaggers.
Wal-mart has a book for free that lists all the different areas and how much fish of each species is safe to eat.
Wal-mart has a book for free that lists all the different areas and how much fish of each species is safe to eat.

Its the same information, whch is published in that book or accessible through this new website! Walmart does not give out anything for free, it is MNR's publication, and from tax money of course