Headline - Dove crashes into window - chased by a Falcon .

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
North of the Boyne , South of the Pine and West of
I wanted to go fishing on a Sunday but that didn't happen . I was at home wishing for the river would drop , when a loud BANG was heard .
I rushed to the window at the front of my home , only to see a lifeless Morning dove on it's back on the front decking. Poor thing , I sighed.
The biggest draw-back about having large windows in your home is ; the birds can't tell the glass is there because it simply reflects where the bird is flying from. Which in this case is shrubs and trees . Anyway , back to the dove on it's back ... after seeing the dove , my eyes caught another figure on the snow bank , but because of my position close to the window , it was startled and flew away quickly.
A hawk ..... no wonder the impact of this poor dove was so great ... it was chased by a bird of prey ... flying as quickly as possible it hit the window full force , killing it instantly . I ventured outside , sadly picking up the dove carefully and placing it on the snow bank where I saw the hawk . The damage was done .. little dove was dead , so why not let the hunter claim his kill ... I sat and waited in the comfort of my home , peering through the very window little dove had fallen victim to ...., when all of a sudden there he was , he came to lite on a small dwarf crab tree and started canvassing his gaze about the front garden. He knew it was there somewhere , I picked up my camera and began to document this rather strange development .
He then took a higher perch in the white birch , where his gaze could spot the lifeless dove. In a calculated swift dive , he was on his prize and quickly transported it to the driveway . There he quickly plucked and tore into the dove , always alert , always on guard .
He is rather beautiful I thought . Then a passer by , unknowingly spooked him and with his prize siezed in his talons , he made a quick exit.

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Wow! That's is a great story and pictures to boot! The Falcon looks small, glad he got a meal out of the dove. I like the 6th photo the best. It shows the beauty of the Falcon's feathers, but the beast of the Falcon as it stands over the dove.
Cool, stuff! My Grandfather and I acctualy just talked on the weekend about how he had witnessed a Falcon take a Dove in his backyard the other day. Tho he didn't have the sweet photos to go with it.
cool story i feel bad for the bird nut oh well whats done is done but the hawk looks so cool thanks for sharing