Hello from Bradford

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dan poulin

New Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey all,

New to this board, just wanted to post a quick intro.

been fishing all of my life... I grew up in North Bay and did quite a bit of shore fishing on Nippising and Trout lakes. I've been living in Bradford for a couple of years now... as far as i know there's not much of a fishing scene in town... I steer clear of the canal.

Currently my fishing season has been diminished to a few weekends at the in-laws cottage every year and a annual father/son icefishing trip via one of the outfitters on simcoe.

I fish for anything that will bite... but love working topwater for bass.... scumfrogs make me smile!

Im interested in meeting up and fishing as many new lakes as possible.

please post/PM me if you are interested in a fishing partner.

I was up in Bradford helping install a playground in a new development not too long ago. You could definately be in a worse spot for fishing thats for sure, Lake Simcoe is close by, and your are sandwiched right between Lake Ontario and Georgian Bay!

Sure its not what you get up North, but not much can compare to fishing up north...
not to mention pike large mouth bass and a billion perch,everytime i am out there my screen is covered with them but you do need a boat,your like 10 minutes away from me we should meet if all is cool you can come out and fish with me and my two boys on weekends and i go out there myself during the week