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I emailed The Metro East Anglers to see if I can book a guided tour of Ringwood Hatchery for Saturday Nov., 26. No reply yet. But if anyone else is interested pls let me know, there are only 4 of us interested in going for now.

Ringwood Hatchery is on hwy 48 in Stouffville Ont.

Thanks and keep those votes coming.
Hi all

I just got a reply from MEA. Ringwood is closed to public. No tours are available.
Must be b/c of it's funding status or something. Looks like our chances to visit it has gone. This may change if they get the funding from our votes to stay open. Let's keep those votes coming.
Only 1500 votes.....I think this forum should be easily capable of producing 1500 votes. Its not looking good.
Only 1500 votes.....I think this forum should be easily capable of producing 1500 votes. Its not looking good.

Yea, Garfield and I were the only ones interested in going to tour the hatchery. Guess everyone just wants to catch them.
Looks like there is another round starting Dec 5? Is that right? How many rounds are there? Hope we can make it to the next one and get more people involved.

Current standings 6th place short by 1200 votes from the top spot, with only 7 days left to vote.

Thanks to those who voted and are truely dedicated anglers.
Still in 6th place but behind by 1400 votes. There's still 4 days left to vote and we need everyone's involvement to keep Ringwood in the running.

Thanks all who voted.
We moved to 4th place, that's awesome. I'm pissed at myself for missing a day. Great that everyone else voted. Thanks all.
The last group of semi-finalists will be announced Friday. Let's hope Ringwood made it. If it did then the final round will begin Dec 5. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanks everyone who voted.
2 hours to go, they'll be announcing the final round of the competition today. Fingers still crossed for Ringwood. :mellow:
Update:They made it to the semi-finals.

THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! :D I just got home and forgot to check. Now this I think is the last round or the semi-finals, it's starting Dec 5 ends on the 16, only 12 votes/email address. I'm gonna sign up with some more emails......... :-D Sure hope everyone votes. Thanks to everyone who did. OFF came together for a great cause, we rock!!!!!!!!!
This is just a reminder for everyone. Ringwood is still in the running and voting begins tomorrow. There's only 12 days to vote so register with more than one email to increase its chances of staying in the competition and winning the grant.

Thanks all for you dedication in supporting your sport.
Do you know if the vote count just continues to build or if the tally starts over at zero for the semi finals?

Just curious. Either way, I will be voting.
Do you know if the vote count just continues to build or if the tally starts over at zero for the semi finals?

Just curious. Either way, I will be voting.

I'm not 100% sure but from the last round, the votes reset to 0. Fresh start for all the contestants.

Thanks for voting.
Is anyone else having trouble with the site loading up? I can't vote if the page won't load. I'm going to have to wait later in the day, it could be a problem with their servers.
Their site is stil very slow but it works, so everyone please don't forget to vote. This is Ringwood's last chance and they are at 19th place, very very far behind.

Thanks all who voted.
Added the link to another forum, hopefully that will generate some more traffic. Those of you who are members on other online communities should do the same.
Raising Fish for Lake Ontario is falling far behind, it's in 22 place. Is everyone remembering to vote everyday? We really have to get everyone involved and participating. There's only 6 days left to vote.

Thanks all who voted.