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New lease on life I'm sure.
Speedy recovery to you.
Not everyone gets that second chance.
Thanks guys... thanks for the welcome!

I had a heart attack while washing a motorhome roof would you believe and I managed to climb down, climb into the car and had the wife drive me to the hospital.

Tossing Iron, you're 100% right not everyone gets a second chance...I lost a brother at 36 who had a massive Heart Attack.

Nah you can keep your 3 kids, I did my time with my 3 lol
Hereditary for sure. My father passed at 43. Three of his brothers at 37.
Even a cousin at 18.
Something you always have to keep on top of.
Yeah it is with us for sure, sorry to hear about your family members.

What blew me away was my son had 2 strokes 6 months after I had the h/a and not knowing whether he was going to live or not and how he was going to be after the Neurosurgeon did 2 emergency ops on him...

I was forced into taking medical retirement and I have to occupy my time and mind... so I decided to entertain the fish on a few of our rivers *grin*
Things can only get better.
Fishing great therapy.
Maybe see ya out there.
All the best man and good luck. Nature has some healing powers for sure , being out there with a fishing rod hiking the trails and walking the river is magical. Enjoy your retirement and your hobby , life has given you a second chance.
fishfreek said:
All the best man and good luck. Nature has some healing powers for sure , being out there with a fishing rod hiking the trails and walking the river is magical. Enjoy your retirement and your hobby , life has given you a second chance.
Thanks FishFreek, getting out there and fishing is fine but I'm beyond the Hiking part I'm afraid...