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Ontario Fishing Forums

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RFD in the freebie section. But I'm a member of the OFN community and I heard about this site, but I didn't give this site a chance because of its user interface, it doesn't have the "Graphics" to catch my attention. However, since I gave it a chance it's a very useful forum. I'm glad I join, hopefully I can provide my first report soon :shock:
Craigslist as well for me, who doesn't like free schwag?? (but seriously I've been looking for something like this for a bit)
I was looking for information on how to make your own plastic baits in google and this site showed up
googled fishing and then went looking though the finds.

Why did goolge fishing you may ask? Single mom and a cub leader. Thought I should take the kids fishing as the father won't. I remember some good times when I was little fish with my dad, so making memories now with my kids.

Would realy like to fish with other parents if there are any in the Ottawa area.
MikeyMikey said:
Spinninreel said:
I found this on Craig's list, mentioning some about free tackle, so who could refuse that offer?

I would like to give you a trick question:

So have you joined this forum only for the free gift ?

I've never been a part of a forum before, and the free gift sparked my curiousity. Once I found out that I could learn and improve my fishing ability, it was a no brainer.
I googled ontario fishing forums and what a surpise!! A site called Pretty simple really. I like fishing and was looking for a site where I could maybe pick up some tips and maybe share a few of my own(when I get some). :oops:
I tried google to help find a good place to teach my son as I'm new to fishing in the GTA and didn't find much...then I stumbled on the free tackle offer over on RFD....glad I found it when I wasn't looking! I'm seeing that there's a lot more in my area than I thought!
I googled ontario fishing forums and what a surpise!! A site called Pretty simple really. I like fishing and was looking for a site where I could maybe pick up some tips and maybe share a few of my own(when I get some).

i had the exact same experience only i am such a novice i am only looking to get tips!