How do you deal with a mid to high teens laker and a 6" hole?

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Dolce + Gabana on the ice​


It's workin for ya bro!!​
Dolce + Gabana on the ice​


It's workin for ya bro!!​

Was wearing the matching pants underneath but I think they make my arse look fat, people always give me strange looks :lol:

O.M.B. its fun but I'm pretty sure I'll have severe arthritis by the time I'm 35 :|
Hey Efka where did ur buddy buy that black betty and what did he pay for it if you dont mind me asking?
they were $99 pretty much on pre-order in some stores in US and few online stores.
you can also look into eagle claw inline reel which cost only $50.
thanks for the post dozer ur reports always entertaining, nice of someone to lend you a laker for a pic. lol JK nice fish guys and that big one very clean looking for a dinosaur