How many of you don't take pics of your catches? Or how big does fish have to be for you to take a p

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Enough so that I'm believable... :cool:
Here's my best fish pic.


  • fortunate hook set.jpg
    fortunate hook set.jpg
    66.3 KB
CJR said:
Depends on the fish. If fishing is hot, usually just pop out the hook and continue fishing unless I land a tank.
x2 and some times depends on my mood.
I seem to be opposite from most people who commented. I never used to take pics and sorta wished I did later. Now if its a nice fish or its easy to take a picture I often will. Same with videos, I just enjoy watching and reliving some catches.
on the same note. taking pictures of the fish are for our own memory. posting certain ones on OFF is a different matter all together..
i had the worst camera ever when i caught my first steelie, i mean it was decent and the fish took me on a massive run downstream and i was more concerned about the fish flopping back into the water than i was about taking a decent picture well i got a mediocre one but thankfully Rusty was there and managed to get me a pic, I've since upgraded to a phone with an amazing camera waiting for action
I usually take pics of the scenery...I don't really take pics of every fish I catch...I'm more concern of putting my line back in the water and keep fishing. I just don't feel the need to take pictures of fish anymore. Whatever time I have fishing...I put it all in it.
ill echo most. Usually first fish of the day I will snap assuming its not an embarrassment. After that, only take pics of fish worthy of having their photo taken. It takes 3 seconds to snap a pic, why not. I have alot of pictures I have never shown. I like sending shots to buddies. Little honest fun chirps for the boys.
With that being said, I am definitely guilty of adding "not ultimate" photos to the "ultimate" thread - sometimes a fella gets stoked on catches and wants to share - no harm in that. I like that thread though, everyone showing their catches. It should be renamed and a new thread created... "Elite Fish" or something, to capture that "Ultimate" we were going after.
goodentight said:
ill echo most. Usually first fish of the day I will snap assuming its not an embarrassment. After that, only take pics of fish worthy of having their photo taken. It takes 3 seconds to snap a pic, why not. I have alot of pictures I have never shown. I like sending shots to buddies. Little honest fun chirps for the boys.
Ive been a recipient to a few of those texts......i always think the same thing, "you bastard!"
im always learning. The pic tells me how I caught it, when, where, etc, so I take lots of pics. The fish I consider 9s and 10s are the ones I try to share.
Hmmm...considering that I usually fish alone, there are only a few pictures as I do tend to try and get them back in the water as soon as I can. There are a few fish that I would have loved to get a picture of...however....being alone and my phone being 50 feet away..LOL...not so much! Back in the water they go! But I do have the memories!
I usually use my phone because its easy to show your catch to your buddy who cancelled on you last minute . Sometimes I'll rub it in with a text. :mrgreen: