Humber River for Trout

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Sep 6, 2009
Hello Everyone,

I never fished rivers before. I'm more of a lake person but can no longer wait till bass season. I went out and got some gear for trout and plan to go to the Humber River. The regulation says the river is open all year long south of Eglington. Can anyone tell me where is a good place to start for a newbie? I've never caught a trout. I will be driving there so I will need a place to park the car. I am hoping to catch brown trout mainly but will gladly hook onto a rainbow trout.

Thank you.
Well from what I've read I would say below old mill Bridge and area is a good place to start.You can also try reading past topics about the Humber river, there are a few.
Yeah Just Be Careful Because Of The Rain, It Got High Pretty Quick On Saturday.

Dont Know What Its Like Now Except Its Pretty darn Muddy :)
Thanks for the response, I will try that and I really appreciate the heads up on the rain. I am going to give Oshawa Creek a try first before I hit the Humber.
