Huron Tribs

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Ya we're going out that way. Bringing the canoe and trying to stay away from the hoards of loogans [emoji3]

If u see two Guys in a red canoe and one of them has a go pro strapped to his head.... That's me!!!
Was out yesterday. Between the 4 of us in 2 canoes we caught a total of zero fish. Not even a bite. Water is low and clear. Majority of people we talked too weren't having any luck either.
Was fishing a West Trib today with a buddy and we saw 5 fish holding in a slow pool. Dark backs with silvery sides that we could see when they twitched... Pretty sure they were rainbows. Couldn't get them to bite by floating roe past 'em, and nobody else on the river caught anything. Plenty of rises though!
would the fish be all up stream this time of year or would they also be close to the mouths as well?
rayray519 said:
would the fish be all up stream this time of year or would they also be close to the mouths as well?
Think it totally depends on the river and the fish themselves. One particular river I've fished 3-4 times this season has fresh fish coming in right at the mouth as well as fish a few miles up.
Also due to summer-run fish you can get action at the mouths almost all year round, although it will slow down dramatically. I've only read this, not from experience.