Re The Insurance thing. While I was checking out one of those articles that topic was mentioned. You can get get Coverage BUT only for certain reasons. ACCIDENTAL being the Key Words.
If "Negligance" becomes a Factor BOOM! You're SOL! The Fine print goes on and on as usual.
What I REALLY found interesting was .... There is a LAW that states if your Vehicle for Any Reason goes through the Ice You MUST Retrieve It or be Prosecuted. It is ILLEGAL to leave it there. They added that the Retrieval Process would cost between $50,000.00 and $60,000.00 Smackeroos!!
If it happened to me Obviously I'd get a Good Lawyer QUICK!! Bit of a Dillema! Fine? Court and Lawyer Costs? Car/Truck is worth How Much?
Think I'll just stay off the ice even if it's only My Little Red Wagon!