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The Americans had trouble using water from a river in their Atlantic hatchery in northern Michigan till they installed an extensive filtration system LOL
Bull-Doze everything humans have built up within a 50 km radius of lake ontario, then we can tonnes of atlantics, specks, and creek chub. :)
steelhead101 said:
no offense, but what would lake ontario atlantic salmon really be good for any ways? half the population can't even eat the darn fish and the other half can only have a few a year... The strain there stocking isn't even a native strain! A run of even 20 thousand in the credit serves next to no economical benefit compared to Chinooks,rainbows and browns that already have a huge economic spin off, whether it be ol skipper hustling Chinese knock off reels, dirty ol boots turning into fresh sushi at your favourite restaurant, doesn't matter. they make money!

When it comes to stream rehabilitation theres only so many trees you can plant, and so many banks you can fix. then what? funnel the credit through a massive brita filter? theres certain things you just can't change about the river, it will never be what it was a 100 years ago when they died off and theres no way in hell it will ever be what it was 100 years before that when they flourished.
How would I take offense to this?

Economic impact does not hold any importance in my pro's and con's list on this subject. It may be an important factor to consider but I really couldn't care less. If economic benefit is important than we should divert tank space from steelhead stocking programs to chinook programs as the few hundred to a thousand dollars river anglers spend on their gear is a drop in the bucket compared to what the Chinook Salmon charter industry spends.

The one factor that should be a top priority in every decision made is the environment. The species that we stock has an effect on the entire ecosystem, a far greater effect than the species/numbers we catch. My philosophy is always native, native, native. Whether choosing which shrubs or tree's to plant in your backyard or choosing what species to stock the focus should always be on what is native and what will the impact be.

Also everyone seems to think that native species only refers to Atlantic Salmon. Before getting excited maybe take a few minutes to actually read the document we are discussing, there is a huge focus on Lake Trout as well as other species such as Walleye and Whitefish.