no offense, but what would lake ontario atlantic salmon really be good for any ways? half the population can't even eat the darn fish and the other half can only have a few a year... The strain there stocking isn't even a native strain! A run of even 20 thousand in the credit serves next to no economical benefit compared to Chinooks,rainbows and browns that already have a huge economic spin off, whether it be ol skipper hustling Chinese knock off reels, dirty ol boots turning into fresh sushi at your favourite restaurant, doesn't matter. they make money!
When it comes to stream rehabilitation theres only so many trees you can plant, and so many banks you can fix. then what? funnel the credit through a massive brita filter? theres certain things you just can't change about the river, it will never be what it was a 100 years ago when they died off and theres no way in hell it will ever be what it was 100 years before that when they flourished.