I love steelheading !!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2011
So yesterday was great! 18 fish between 5 of us, and some absolute pigs, we got a buck 15 lbs, what a hog, and finally... My reel is bi-sexual!!!! I finally got some hens!! Haha! I personally went 6/8, our friend who lives on the creek we fished went 7/11, and got the biggest. It was nice getting into some 8+ lbs fish. I still can't believe the energy they have for this time of year. I landed a small chrome hen the was maybe 5 lbs, and it fought harder then my biggest fish of the day by a long shot, hucking backflips like they were going out of style, anyways.... For you curious as to how I was set up and what I was using, short leader, about 18 inches of 4.7 lbs test, connected to 8+ feet of 7 lbs lead (high vis line does deter fish) staggered shot under a 4 gram float, weighted perfectly, those fish were just lightly taking the bait, with the exception of our friend running a white tube jig. We actually watched a chromer chase it as he was bringing his line up. pretty cool.

Anyways for more info, please ask!!! Pics anyone????



The tank!!! I know he's holding it wrong in most standards, but I gaurentee my buddy does more for conservation then anyone else I know, and has more knowledge on these fish then most.





And for those of you who like the aesthetics of steelhead photo ops...


Possibly one of the coolest looking steelys I have ever caught, it had barely any spots on it, and fought like a
Chrome chinny! Hope you all enjoy!
Fantastic report, and you are right, that last fish is very nice looking, 10/10 report :cool:
Awesome post...I can feel the wind just looking at the pics..lol
That last pic is sweet...
Great report - was the tank kept for taxidermy?

No but when I get one close to 16 and the colors are right, I will probably get a replica. That guy (our buddy) is a legend, he doesn't get skunked and always does well, he knows his stuff, and has got them over 18 and a few over 20.
I've never fished for steel at the mouth of a trib like this. Probably cause I always want to avoid the wicked wind. I would like to try though. Does anyone know what depth of water they stage in? And how long do the spring-run fish stay there before heading up the trib?
I've never fished for steel at the mouth of a trib like this. Probably cause I always want to avoid the wicked wind. I would like to try though. Does anyone know what depth of water they stage in? And how long do they stay there before heading up the trib?

Where the shot was taken, I didn't actually get the fish in the lake, there's a pool like 20 yards from where the creek hits the water. My new favorite hole!!!!

But on a side note, I have done well fishing open water this time of year if you can cast out far enough and there's decent structure. Its actually one of my favorite forms of float fishing, casting out with rolling waves, float goes up, float comes down, float goes up, and then you can't find it... FISH!!!!!