images of an Outdoors card save the day

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Oct 26, 2015
A wallet app on my phone saved me from an MNRF fine this weekend.

I was out on the water fishing at sunrise with two kids yesterday. About ten minutes after the young lady in our boat landed a nice ~2lb smallmouth bass, MNRF agents were on us asking for my license. My Outdoors card – which I usually carry so frequently I've tried using it to buy lunch & TTC rides – was back in the cabin.

But the agents were quite happy with the images of my card, captured in the phone app, "As long as I carry the plastic version from now on."

The app's called UGO Wallet, and I had my Outdoors card images there because as I caught a presentation by the fellow who created the thing I noticed his own account contained his Outdoors card (as well as his BassPro card). I snapped the images before later meeting with him to discuss product development and fishing. And boy am I glad I did.
great idea to even have a photo in your albums on your phone. Obviously not best practice but better than nothing. Depends on the officer at that point I assume.