In from the West Coast

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Nov 23, 2016
Hi All.

Nice forum you have here...

I find myself living in S. Ontario now and have never fished East of the Bow.

'Home' rivers back in BC included the Skagit, Vedder, Chehalis... all on fly. I spent a couple years in Alberta also - targeting mostly rivers in the foothills northwest of Calgary.

I also liked summer salmon fishing in the salt.

Anyway - Hoping to target trout and steelhead rivers now that I'm here. Lots to learn.

Will be updating some gear in the month ahead as unfortunately everything except my rods was somehow lost during the move - all your eggs in one basket - or in this case all your gear in one duffle... I'll be asking for recommendations after being out of the gear purchasing mode for a lot of years now.


Cheers for now and tight lines.

altiplano in Hamilton
Welcome aboard, altiplano, I'm sure you'll get lots of good advice here.