indoor fishing complex?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
Hey peeps, just wondering if there's such a thing? Similar to what they have at the Outdoorsmen Show with that man-made pool with fish. I've never been, but do they allow you to fish in it for kids?
I've never heard of one.

The only thing even slightly close to that type of artificial fishing to take a kid to that I can think of, would be those stocked ponds where you pay per pound of fish. I believe they're open almost year round, but of course they're outside.
I'd imagine a warehouse complex that has an indoor man-made pond/pool stocked full of fish (bass, pike, walleye) and it would be strictly catch & release. Actually, being able to take home your catch might not be bad either, since you'd just re-stock it anyways.I wonder how this would work out as a business proposition. hah

We're not as fortunate to our neighbours down south, who have access to that sort of fishing all year round. Maybe if I won the lottery would I have the necessary capital to make this into reality.

I will look forward to this year's Outdoorsman Show! :oops:

Perhaps ice-fishing might be a good idea too.
They stock some swimming pool at Toronto every year with trout and let kids fish. An indoor complex would just sound way more expensive than an outside pond tbh.
Mykester said:
They stock some swimming pool at Toronto every year with trout and let kids fish. An indoor complex would just sound way more expensive than an outside pond tbh.

Really? Is this part of the Outdoorsman show or something unrelated? Where and when does this occur? I've Googled that up, but didn't come up with anything.
FrankTheRabbit said:
Mykester said:
They stock some swimming pool at Toronto every year with trout and let kids fish. An indoor complex would just sound way more expensive than an outside pond tbh.

Really? Is this part of the Outdoorsman show or something unrelated? Where and when does this occur? I've Googled that up, but didn't come up with anything.

it's unrelated. They actually stock a public swimming pool. I can't find the link but it was also referenced on ofn, so you can try asking there.
This idea would be more for people that can't be outdoors. A friend's kid is sick and can't be outdoors too much, hence my request.

I love being outdoors as much as possible, but fishing indoors would be nice here and there. Don't know the details, but any sort of fishing that can be done all year round in t-shirts & shorts gets a thumbs up from me. :)

I'll check out OFN–thanks for the tip!