Hi, everyone. I caught this fish at the marina at Ashbridges Bay last year (September 20). I took it for a pike until reading some references to the "chain pickerel" (esox niger) having arrived in eastern lake Ontario in ~2008. Could this be one? I note that it seems to have the required eight pores along the jaw, as well as scales covering the gill cover. I can also attest that it was the slimiest fish I've ever handled.
At the time, I thought it was a slightly undersized pike and returned it to the water despite the obvious bleeding*. I had heard of the chain pickerel but had no idea that the chain pickerel was in Ontario. I still haven't found any reference to them being found in Toronto.
*I've since taken treble hooks off of my lures, and clipped the barbs on the few where the couldn't be removed without destroying the lure's action.
At the time, I thought it was a slightly undersized pike and returned it to the water despite the obvious bleeding*. I had heard of the chain pickerel but had no idea that the chain pickerel was in Ontario. I still haven't found any reference to them being found in Toronto.

*I've since taken treble hooks off of my lures, and clipped the barbs on the few where the couldn't be removed without destroying the lure's action.