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Ontario Fishing Forums

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Thanks for taking the time to share those pictures!

Your mission is to catch all the fish there are? Cool? Mine's to drink all the beers there are (well, at least one 5-oz sampler).
Gruntman said:
Your mission is to catch all the fish there are? Cool? Mine's to drink all the beers there are (well, at least one 5-oz sampler).
Yeah, basically try to catch as many species as I can in my lifetime.

There are 32,000+ species of fish, including many that are very difficult to target (too deep, plankton feeder, endangered...etc). Even if say 50% of the species are suitable targets, that means I would have to catch at least 200 new species per year even if I live to be 100 years old and healthy. It's a tall task.

I'll be pretty happy to hit 1,000 eventually...anything else would be a bonus.

Steve Woznick is well on his way to 2,000 species now. But he has a lifestyle that I can't afford.

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