Just watched a vid...

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What a tease!

Enjoy this in the meantime...

Relax ladies. I downloaded it. and it's too big to upload it here. title is brown trout, mayfly & fly fishing. look it up in google.
it's almost 2 gig. Hdef video appreciate dozers post because pretty much similar to what I saw.
I checked the video I downloaded again it's one and the same with what dozer posts. i have the link where to download the whole video. pretty much covers how they hatch the fish as well as stocking the ponds.
nice thanks, ill put this one up on the tv when I get home
nice vid dozer, thanks for sharing :) as for the other vid, i just checked out the clip version on youtube good vid as well.May have to watch the long verison, would just rather stream than download the long version.
just take note...this is all about brown trout. After watching the entire video...i suddenly became jittery.