keeping ur roe over winter....

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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2010
hey i was out last week fishing for trout and stealhead, but only got a salmon with eggs, it was pretty much dead when i got it, so i kept the eggs, but now i have so many i wont use them all.

whats the best way to cure them and keep in freezer or fridge?
is there a brine salution i can make to keep them for next year??
hey i was out last week fishing for trout and stealhead, but only got a salmon with eggs, it was pretty much dead when i got it, so i kept the eggs, but now i have so many i wont use them all.

whats the best way to cure them and keep in freezer or fridge?
is there a brine salution i can make to keep them for next year??

I've heard borax works very well. I don't have the recipe, but a quick Google should do the trick.
This is probably something that you should have dealt with a week ago... How have you kept them stored over the past week?

BTW...You can buy a product called Pro-Cure. That will do the trick!
Have a good friend that uses the pro cure and loves it, I don't use anything and mine keeps all winter. I can't say either works better but his will keep in the fridge longer.
I just dry the eggs on a piece of paper towel, then wrap in saran wrap. Make sure you get all the air out of the wrap, too much air causes freezer burn. I usually wrap enough for a short fish day, then pull out two or three for bigger days and then nothing goes to waste. The trick it to dry them out for 3-4 hours and they will freeze well and look great in the spring.
Hope this helps

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