Killing the fish

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Active Member
May 6, 2011
As a licensed fisherman I'm entitled to keep what ever my license permits, I know quite a few people are against keeping but hey, everyone has their own opinion.

So, what would you say is the most humane way of killing your catch? I'm starting to believe the cut right behind the gill plate is the most humane and the best for taste aswell.

Your thoughts?
The you cut them behind the gill you just hold it in the water for a few seconds and all the blood goes, it also takes the fishy taste away. Not really a mess.
I usually clean my fish on a table (cutting board), not in water. I find the best way to get rid of the fishy taste is to cut out the dark stripe from the fillet. It usually runs the length, and with walleye all you need to do is notch and pull - it comes off like a zipper. Bass needs to be cut. It's not an issue on smaller fish, only the bigger ones. The bass in my picture was released - too big to eat. I prefer them a little smaller then that. Never heard of bleeding a fish to get rid of fishy taste.
I just kill it there, drain the blood it still gets cleaned at home.
That's just what I've been told. Guess it depends on the person.
I usually clean my fish on a table (cutting board), not in water. I find the best way to get rid of the fishy taste is to cut out the dark stripe from the fillet. It usually runs the length, and with walleye all you need to do is notch and pull - it comes off like a zipper. Bass needs to be cut. It's not an issue on smaller fish, only the bigger ones. The bass in my picture was released - too big to eat. I prefer them a little smaller then that. Never heard of bleeding a fish to get rid of fishy taste.

same here, throw them in a cooler with ice then clean at home.
whatever you do, don't throw the live fish in the cooler. It is the most terible death for the fish, slow! club them or gut the gills!
And to take the fishy taste away, put the fish fillet in milk for half an hour or so. Learned it from Italo!
whatever you do, don't throw the live fish in the cooler. It is the most terible death for the fish, slow! club them or gut the gills!
And to take the fishy taste away, put the fish fillet in milk for half an hour or so. Learned it from Italo!
I'll try that.
whatever you do, don't throw the live fish in the cooler. It is the most terible death for the fish, slow! club them or gut the gills!
And to take the fishy taste away, put the fish fillet in milk for half an hour or so. Learned it from Italo!
lol...Italo learned that from my mom.
When i keep fish i like to keep them living as long as possible in a livewell or on a stringer if no livewell. Call me a barbarian, but i just fillet the fish live.

As others have said if you bleed the fish first you will find filleting less messy and the fish will taste better.
It is a rare occasion that I keep a fish or two for table for fare, but when I do, I prefer Dosaquis lol JK.

I too have been taught to cut behind the gill plate, in fact, to sever the nerves from the brain to the flesh. I was told that when a fish is put on a stringer or in a livewell it is under extreme stress that causes a toxin to be released into the flesh and thus giving it a fishier taste. What I never understood was, if you don't want it to taste like fish, why eat fish?
whatever you do, don't throw the live fish in the cooler. It is the most terible death for the fish, slow! club them or gut the gills!
And to take the fishy taste away, put the fish fillet in milk for half an hour or so. Learned it from Italo!

Of course I kill them first, lol. Usually cut the gills. Never heard of this clubbing technique. would a steel mallet work? Just hit between the eyes?
i usually use a rock or big stick.... they really dont know it's coming and are gone instantly...
i've never heard of cutting them behind the gill... sounds more trouble than it's worth and messy... but again, never done it.
Of course I kill them first, lol. Usually cut the gills. Never heard of this clubbing technique. would a steel mallet work? Just hit between the eyes?
Here's an example, there are lots of different tools out there for this. I use a stick.
I've heard that you should kill Catfish with a knife straight through the top of the head and twisted.