Kudos to Lambeth Rod and Tackle

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Apr 19, 2010
Today I stopped into Lambeth Rod and Tackle for the first time and I will definitly be returning. The employee who I assume is the owner or part owner was very helpful and took the time to explain alot to me. I am fairly new to plastic baits so he showed me the ropes. So off I went and caught a few nice largemouth.
I just want to say that for anyone who hasn't be here, I highly recommend it.
adamb_94, did you catch the fish in the London, Ontario area?
Largemouth bass are out of season throughout southern Ontario. Fishing for them is illegal.

OFF does not condone such activity.
can't help the type of fish that bites the bait.
but no im not advertising...thanks.

forums can be so sad...
using a worm and a hook targets fish yes...
sorry for giving a shout out to a shop in my local area that I went into for the first time. As usual (for forums) people feel the need to put their two cents in, and for what?!
Don't answer that...You've said enough. :evil:
I never mentioned what I used in my first post. Just mentioned he showed me how to use plastics and I went to fish but thanks for once again trying to be somebody.
This is a fishing forum..********
adamb_94 said:
Today I stopped into Lambeth Rod and Tackle for the first time and I will definitly be returning. The employee who I assume is the owner or part owner was very helpful and took the time to explain alot to me. I am fairly new to plastic baits so he showed me the ropes. So off I went and caught a few nice largemouth.
I just want to say that for anyone who hasn't be here, I highly recommend it.

What kind of plastics were you using?

Just so you know, if a conservation officer from the Ministry of Natural Resources saw you using plastic worms and catching bass after bass, you would get a hefty fine.

If you didn't use any plastics, then you need to seriously look at what you typed in the first post and edit it.

Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not trying to be a an _ss. I appreciate your contribution to the forum and there's nothing wrong with recommending a tackle shop... but catching out of season fish is not cool.
I've used Yamamoto palstics for crappie and caught bass, if a CO saw this would i get fined, even though i was targeting Crappie. Just a question not stiring the pot.
spranga said:
I've used Yamamoto palstics for crappie and caught bass, if a CO saw this would i get fined, even though i was targeting Crappie. Just a question not stiring the pot.

No, you wouldn't get fined. You were targetting crappie with crappie specific lures.

If you were using a 7 inch plastic worm texas rigged and say you were trying to catch crappie, then yes, you would probably get fined.

Accidental OOS catches DO happen. Just the other day, I got 2 largemouth out of the 15-20 monster bluegills I caught. I was using 1 inch plastics.

As a respectable angler, once you find out that the area you're fishing is just LOADED with OOS fish, it's best to find another spot. These fish are not in season for a reason. They are breeding - contributing to the population. Let them do their thing and target them when they are ready.
Good on the store clerk to show you the ropes. Come June, it'll be time to put the new found knowledge to the test. When I started using soft plastics it took me some time to get use to. I like to use a braided line and a fluoro lead to detect the smallest bites. Watching your line is really important; for say odd twitches or movement that may indicate a small bite.

Reading the first post, it never mentions that you were using the soft plastics. I can certainly understand why some would assume you were given the phrasing proceeding it. To be fair, I'm sure these guys are just trying to highlight the regs, which are in place not to restrict our fishing access, but to protect fish during seasons essential for them to sustain and grow the population; it's in all our interest to folllow the regs accordingly.

That said, you can't really help what bites the end of your line. I've caught OOS fish; I'm pretty sure most people here have. It's common to catch the odd OOS bass when targeting panfish as the bass spawning grounds are similar to the habitat of them pannnies this time of year. As long as it's inadvertance that led to the catch and the fish are put back in the drink right away, nobody says you can't have fun and be responsible at the same time.

Thanks for the post. It's always good to hear of great customer service that leads to new opportunities.
