Lake Erie

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Dec 1, 2013
Springfield ON

Bought my first manual auger this year, never done this before but I am 15 min away from Port Bruce on Lake Erie and I was wondering if anyone has gone after the Perch on Erie through the ice? I would appreciate any advice. Thanks.
i never have but i know alot of people ice fish long point, will be a while till it has safe ice though.
I know that a lot of people fish the east end of the lake !! The thought scares the crap out of me personally because I know how fast that lake can turn over with a slight wind I would think it would go from a big sheet of ice to a field of burgs pretty quick
I've never heard of anyone ice fishing at Port Bruce only Long Point bay ,mentioned already.
Thanks guys, yeah the other option is driving to lake St Clair which I hear is good ice fishing. Getting pumped for the season even though around here we got sometime to wait considering it is a balmy 3 above right now.
There are lots of smaller lakes around that area, there is also the lower grand (be careful if you go that route), doesn't have to be big water!