Last couple laker trips

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Swing and float
Mar 29, 2012
In a van down by the river
work is kinda slow so i managed to get out a bit lately.

Sunday, Feb 3----Sunday i went solo for the morning as my i had an engagementin the afternoon. went and parked the hut in the same area as the week before. I had fish chasing my bait on the initial drop so things looked good. Started with a spoon , but the fish were not reacting well to it. after a bit of switching i started getting good chases on a herring coloured tube. Had a flurry of action between 10 and 12, and ended up 1 for 7.had to leave at noon and painfully had to walk off active fish. no pics that day

Monday Feb 4. after calling my bud the night before and telling him about my action, he decided to meet me at the access point before dawn. he has been fishing for lakers a bit for 6 years and never got one, so he was very keen to get his first. we walked again right to the previously active area. Like the day before we had fish flying up at our first drops. Mikey Hit one on a spoon in the first twenty minutes, and successfully ices it! after a high five and a quick pic down she went. the fish were pretty slow, but mike hooked and lost 2 more, and i went 4/6. all fish were on spoons and would not even look at the hot tube from the day before. the fishing died off around 1230 or one, and at 230 we packed her in.



^^^^^^^^^ this was dudes first ever laker

Thurs Feb 7 me and mike met up a little later, around 8 am. we didnt want to mess with a good thing, so again we hiked it to our area, and again fish flewup at them. the fish were not giving chase well, and after and hour we were making plans to move,when mike decided to try a northland prerigged swim/tube bait.. fish swarmed this thing right away, and in the next 90 mins he misses 2 bites, hooks 4, and lands 3 of them, while i dont even get a sniff. after having my butt handed to me by a guy that 4 days earlier had never landed a trout, iwhipped out my secret bait and left it sitting 25 feet above bottom. with in about 3 minutes, a heavy mark comes screaming up at it . it smashes it, and after a great battle i slip a fat 32 incher back down the whole. the next hour was all mine where i hooked 3 more and landed 1 of them, on tubes and swammers. the bite slows around 12:30, and mike leaves for a denist apptmnt. the next hout was pretty slow. at 1:30 im contemplating leaving, when i start getting a few chasers, i hooked a very heavy fish on my spoon, that i can barely budge with 10 lb test and a Heavy action rod. after about 10 minutes up and down, the hook pops out. im running short on time by now, so i start packing, but leave my tube down and graph on. in the 8 minutes to pack up i hooked 3 and landed 1. quickly released him as my hands froze and started my march to shore . hate walking off active fish, but i had to get my son from daycare, and the hot fish already had me cutting it close. final tally for the day was 14 bites, 12 of them hooked, and 6 landed. hard to get good hooksets in deep water with mono.



all in all a very exiting week, and im gunna add to it saturday morning!!!! if you see a rust white chev truck with lots of stickers at the access you are at the right place!!!! good luck out there boys
nice fish. when ppl ask do you like football i says ya 3 lb silvers are my fav.. i bee swamped from work last 3 mths but today will be three days fishing consecutively. good to see your utilizing the best ice in years. i still say we are gonna drive on it. 6-8 inches up near orillia OMB says it will hold a light truck i know its strong but i always felt confident driving on 10 or 12.
lemme know whats up i think a start a big project in toronto next week 2 bathrooms a home gym and a garbage corral. looks like i may be fishing all weekend as well. but will be hitting walleye lakes to avoid the simcoe weekend gongshow.
well done those are some good numbers. I marked so many fish today but couldn't get them to commit. Landed 1, lost one and probably had 20-40 fish chase my lure only to turn away. I dont think ive ever gone through as much work as I did today for fishing...
well done those are some good numbers. I marked so many fish today but couldn't get them to commit. Landed 1, lost one and probably had 20-40 fish chase my lure only to turn away. I dont think ive ever gone through as much work as I did today for fishing...

Hey wait, what ever happened to those expectations? Did you catch 50? :lol: Fish never fail to surprise, young Jedi.
The American weather channel has been naming winter storms and the one that hit us yesterday they named Nemo...the shitshow retawded piscatorial masochism we went through yesterday will be forever known as Nemo's revenge!
lol Dozer we had to go to a different spot because of the crazy snow drifts on the lake and then on top of that we didnt even get out to the deeper water at the spot we went because of crazy snow drifts there as well. It was hell on earth and nobody was crazy enough to plow a trail for us so we had to plow through those drifts on our own.

Otherwise we would have caught 50 fish no problem, maybe even 75!

Getin the fish were being very shy with the chase so I didnt use my jig that much. Ill be giving it another go on a better day.