Leader length

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2012
Is there a general or standard leader length thats safe when float fishing for steelhead/salmon? I ask because if you don't know the water conditions before you hit a river, I am finding if difficult to understand this.
for salmon i wont use a leader, mind you i only fish them in murky water and when they are fresh. For steelhead ill use about 18 inches of fluorocarbon either 4# 6# or 8# depending on the water color. If the river is very crowded or the water is gin clear i will use a leader that is a bit longer to get those sky fish to strike.
From my last shot to the hook I normally run 20-30 inches depending on the water clarity.
i run everything under the float in flourocarbon using normally 12lb main to float then 8 lb shot to a foot of six, in the gin take everything down thickness a rating