Leader, Shot Line, and Float Rigging Question

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Line twist is caused by your float spinning on the cast. To combat this we either use a slip float pinned in place so that the float can spin on the line without causing twist or by using a regular float with a swivel above the float so when the regular float spins it does so below the swivel which also results in minimal line twist.
In 40 yrs walking water.
6lb main float #12 hook and shot.
No swivel no extra tied on leader no useless backing yet countless fish landed.
Or I could buy all the useless crap available now a days.
Not broken don't fix it.
staffman said:
Line twist is caused by your float spinning on the cast. To combat this we either use a slip float pinned in place so that the float can spin on the line without causing twist or by using a regular float with a swivel above the float so when the regular float spins it does so below the swivel which also results in minimal line twist.
Ok, thx(and you too S4S). Now it makes sense.
hmmm, not sure I believe it's the float spinning during the cast that causes line twist since my float doesn't seam to spin and other styles of casting don't cause line twist but I still use the same float. I think the swivel and the slip floats just allow the line to un-twist when being reeled in each time so no twist is created by the repeated side cast style. I think this is why once I start seeing line twist I add a micro swivel a few feet above the float and the line twist almost instantly vanishes, the swivel allows the line to untwist on the cast or on the retrieve.. either way, swivels work..
Graham Bristow said:
hmmm, not sure I believe it's the float spinning during the cast that causes line twist since my float doesn't seam to spin and other styles of casting don't cause line twist but I still use the same float. I think the swivel and the slip floats just allow the line to un-twist when being reeled in each time so no twist is created by the repeated side cast style. I think this is why once I start seeing line twist I add a micro swivel a few feet above the float and the line twist almost instantly vanishes, the swivel allows the line to untwist on the cast or on the retrieve.. either way, swivels work..
This is my experience too, I am not sure if it is the way I rig it but I have found that using a slip float did not eliminate line twist for me. Using the swivel works for me every time and I use cheap raven main line.
If you are using a swivel above the float, how much main line or swivel line would be safe to run? I really want to try this for the slightly windy days on bigger water.
What gives you confidence. I struggled to hook up when I started fishing steelhead but read a lot asked a lot and found what works for me. 10lbs main, I use Raven yellow, 8lb mono shot line XL trilene I find the weights move easily on this line and then 4-7lbs leader. Length of leader is anywhere from 18-24" depending on current, shot line is around 4-5' and I attach float to shot line unless fishing really deep holes then will move float on to main line if required.
rayray519 said:
If you are using a swivel above the float, how much main line or swivel line would be safe to run? I really want to try this for the slightly windy days on bigger water.
Depends on depth you're fishing and casting. Don't want there too be so much space that you keep reeling that swivel through your tip guide to cast. Putting the swivel right above the highest point you'll have your float during the course of constantly adjusting is probably best - allows for easiest casting.
Going to try the slip float, sounds like it makes a lot of sense as I have trouble with line twist as well
NMCMLK said:
Going to try the slip float, sounds like it makes a lot of sense as I have trouble with line twist as well
Def slip float with a swivel! Dont go with a large swivel, go with a quality swivel. I use spro swivels, high quality but unfortunatley not cheap.