yeah, I totally got that the op was spoon chucking...have found 10lb to be great for lures for salmon from Nipigon to Port Hope and points in between. I guess I wasn't clear on that. You pretty much have to use a leader if you're using 20lb tow rope. Your stick must be something like a fence post or if longer, a telephone pole or your rod would blow up...know a guy busted 7 rods in a season on least if you break you don't leave a mile of that shite on the bottom or dock...I get irritated when I get tangled or trip on that stuff...last time at Port Hope a guy up river from me, like 50 yards up, was using braid off bottom with not enough weight and tangled me up...I just cut it...10 mins later I see him playin with his line trying to figure where his rig went...I lmfao!