Looking for a good resort with good fishing on the lake

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
Mississauga, Ontario
I'm looking to go to a good resort that has good fishing on the lake it's on. I'd like it to have lots of pan fish (preferably right from a dock) and also bass(trying for that this year).
I'm looking for a place that has daily rentals over the summer and is within 3 hours of Toronto.
Need more info I have one that is 4 hrs - BOQ - huge fish - sheephead - eyes - bass and unstoppable panfish - also the odd eel just to get your blood pumping. Will even direct u to some great spots on the bay.
Lots of great resorts on Rice Lake. Good all round fishing, panfish, bass, walleye, musky, carp, catfish.

Check out this website.


Sure Merland rents boats - they will also direct you in the right spots. Get some spinners - worm harness - rapala tail dancer in hot chub - live target - perch. Morning try shoreline - as the sun rises the drop offs and weed beds in them and the weed lines. Remember sheephead will hit most presentations so have fun with them. Slow is the key for eyes - if the boat you rent doesn't go slow enough drag a drift sock or a pail behind the boat to slow you down.
Thank you but I'm planning on renting a boat from somewhere other than Merland Park. I found some places to rent boats from just wondering which ones are on bodies of water with good fishing. I was planning on trying to catch bass.