Looking for a kid friendly fishing spot

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Thanks TFC, i'll check that place out. Its only 20mins from where I live. looking it up on Google, looks like a great place for kids.
If you're ever in and around the east end of Toronto I've got a place you'll enjoy. Shoot me a message if interested - fishing, wildlife, the works.
For young kids just starting out , i have found the most exciting times and free of boredom to be some of the stocked trout farms. Little costly....but your sure to have fun and catch dinner you can eat. Spring Valley trout farm west of kitchener is a blast for young kids...set the drag loose....and the floats down before it hits the water...lol. In and out of the place in no time and they show the kids how to clean the fish....head home and enjoy a nice barbque. Yeh...you bought the fish so what....your kids are hooked.
Island lake, you can fish from shore or rent a boat. Lake is small enough that you arent too worried all the time. Shore fishing also produces pan fish.

Heartlake, but comming from waterloo I am sure it will be too crowded for your liking. You can rent canoes and paddle boats there.
Coming from Waterloo, you should try hitting the Grand right in Grand Valley. Just bottom bounce a worm and you will have plenty of fun. Lots of Catfish and Carp to be had.
Well i tried to make it out to the Snyder's Flats, had the kids ready to go, truck loaded up then... I leaned over to pickup some of their buckets and other fishing things in the garage, and BAM!! threw out my back really bad. The worst pain ever. I haven't been able to walk much since (been 2 days). Chiropractor helped and the massage almost rendered me paralyzed after. :s

Thanks for the suggestions everyone, and TFC, I'll get to the flats sometime soon. It sounds like a great spot for the kids.
If you're in Waterloo, what are you doing coming up to Toronto?!?!?!

You should hit up the concrete breakwall on the Grand river right in the city of Brantford... Lot's of Rockbass, some sunfish, bullhead and smallies...! Caught upto 50 rockbass on a little jig there last time.