Looking for Bassfishing buddy 50+

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New Member
Aug 16, 2010
Bass season is rather short to say the least - so when it comes you want to take as many opportunities you can before it gets too cold again - of course you can always go south - Florida - Texas etc.
On many occasions I find myself without a fishing buddy and that's no fun. I am retired and age 66 and just love bass fishing. I have fished many lakes - Nipissing, Paudash, Baptiste, Elephant, Weslemkoon, Limerick, Lingham, Burrows, Gloucester Pool, West Lake, Rice Lake, Chemong, Buckhorn and may others. I have a 16'7" Ranger Bassboat with 115 HP Yamaha - I always fish during the week - Most of the time there are 4 of us, and sometimes we need a 4th. And when the 4 of us aren't fishing I 'd like some company on the water. - You can contact me direct at [email protected] - Paul
Welcome to OFF!

I've moved this thread to the fishing partner hook-ups section.

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