Looking to volunteer, to help with middle Grand and surroundings

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Zach West

Active Member
Sep 20, 2012
Paris, Ontario
Hey guys,

Just wondering if any of you are involved with GRCA or Trout Unlimited Cananda. I am looking to expand my intrests and do what I can to help.
As far as I know, TU is not too involved with the Grand River except perhaps as advisors. The main body that attends to that is Friends of the Grand River although they haven't done much work below Kitchener. I would expect they could put you in contact with someone who knows more in your area. GRCA might have some tree plantings to help with, I would look to their website for a list of activities. I guess you are concerned with the area from Paris to Brantford - perhaps a search for helpers for Whiteman's Creek??
Jacklake said:
As far as I know, TU is not too involved with the Grand River except perhaps as advisors. The main body that attends to that is Friends of the Grand River although they haven't done much work below Kitchener. I would expect they could put you in contact with someone who knows more in your area. GRCA might have some tree plantings to help with, I would look to their website for a list of activities. I guess you are concerned with the area from Paris to Brantford - perhaps a search for helpers for Whiteman's Creek??
Hi Jacklake, thanks a lot for the great information. I will surely put it to use. And yes you are correct about my location of interest.

Thanks again,
