Lost But Got My Lure Back!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2010
niagara falls
Lost and got my lure back! No big deal Right! Since everyone read these type of stories all the time........ Read on!

It was a bad night fishing for Salmon. The cold front seemed to have shut them off. Skunk galore! Not even a bump or hit on our lures or anyone coarse fishing! Fished from 9pm-2:30am, Fished jumped every so often, but nothing of the ordinary.

Couple of anglers who used glow spoon, that showed up by 12 midnight, has landed two fish. Regardless of their success, the pattern that evening was slow. Hardly anyone around by midnight to my surprise since being skunk seemed to be the Norm for everyone within days before.

By 1am, I told my buddy that we needed to split up, I left to fish at least 200 feet from him. As I arrived to my spot, first cast….my first big hit of the night, fought with the fish for 5 seconds, then my mono main line and my 3ft Braided leader line SNAPPED! Got separated; lost my new spoon to the fish. The Salmon jumped few times, tried to shake the lure off , it was the last commotion of the night. I went and sat on my chair, felt dejected from the lost new spoon lure, but excited to have finally gotten a hit. Re-tied another lure, left my gear, then decide to go tell my friend regarding my first hit of the night.

After walked past two other anglers who also casted lures, told them of my good and bad news, and just about to reach my friend, I yielded “ I finally got a hit but lost the fish with my new spoon” . Just the same instant. he responded...... “I JUST GOT A HIT! When he retrieved his line out, he said”I believe I just got your spoon back.” Exactly the same time as I arrived to investigate , I said “No way!” I originally assumed my friend snagged my other spoon that I had lost the last time I was there, to my big surprise….. it was the same spoon with the same 3 ft braided line I lost few minutes ago.

What was weird about the whole incident?
1.The time I lost the lure to the time I got my lure back was roughly 12-15 minutes and 200 feet walking distance apart.

2.The salmon that had my lure has to go through two other anglers casting spoon, they were fishing between us, yet they never encountered the same fish and no other hits!

3.Seemed like the Salmon waited till I finished retying, then swam at the same pace as I walked to see my friend, avoided both anglers line as well.

4.As the Salmon with the spoon, arrived to my friend casting distance little sooner before my arrival, my friend has to aim his cast at the right spot, the right time, then the salmon has to take his presentation , to ensure his spoon will snag my spoon, and to be returned to the proper owner.

5. The time my friend retrieved the spoon out of the water, and the time I arrived to see the lost lure was exactly the same moment, not any second sooner or later!

6. No fish tale lies that evening regarding a fish finally hit my lure on a slow night ,without obvious proof.

7. The Salmon has to be thrilled, the spoon was off his mouth!

Here are some of my improvised glow spoon: More effective in casting with confidence, since one does not have to worry of losing them.
1. Lure Cost 50 cents from Le Barons.
2. Bent and glued penny to make them heavier
3. Added Glow tape from BPS or from other fishing store.
4. Pure UV light bought from dollar store, used to detect currency.
5. Glow pain from dollar store.
7. Hook re-sharpened


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