Luckiest Catch Ever?

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Jul 21, 2013
Seen a post about a sheephead and I remembered this story n really wanted to share it. Believe it or not its 100% true and hands down the best fishing story in my arsenal. I really love telling people this story because it is truely amazing (with a bit of sheer dumb luck) and also is one of my favorite memories of my grandfather the best fisherman ive ever known.

So my grandfather, grandmother and me are out on this little stretch of pier fishing lake ont close to jordan for basicly whatever we can catch. I must have been maybe 6 or 7 at the time (cant quite remember). I have this blue 3' rod thinking im a pro just casting in the water and my grandparents just entertaining the idea. Couple hours in, fish strikes and starts taking off with my line. Now being young this fish was trouble for me,couldnt reel it in.. and eventually would end up having the rod pulled from my hands. So my grandmother right beside me decides to take the rod (whos squatting on the pier) and goes to reel in the fish. SPLASH! No sooner had she grabbed the rod she goes head first into the water. My grandfather immediately drops his rod and pulls her out of the water. Now me at this point im balling my eyes out cuz not only did i loose the fish.. but i lost my new rod my grandfather gave me. So my grandfather (probably more just to shut me up) tells me not to worry hes gonna catch me that fish. I didnt believe him and my grandmother sais and i quote "bill dont be so fckn stupid", but went along anyway with his plan. Reels in his line and casts out in the direction that the rod took off. Very slowly and ever so slightly started reeling in the line when all of a sudden BAM something was hooked. Like a bat out of hell he starts reeling in this line.. and what pops out of the water attached to his hook.. The god dam rod! Frantic my granfather grabs the rod and starts reeling all the line back up.. Wouldnt ya know it starts fighting with the darn fish that stole it and lands it. Fckin sheephead. Ill never forget that day as long as i live. So extatic over what just happened he decided to keep the fish (against my grandmothers will) and cut the stones from its head and gave em to me as my trophy (which stupidly being a kid.. i lost.) To this day i still have the rod and its never seen a day of fishing since then.
Similar story my Dad told me...

When my father was a kid fishing the concrete wall at Murray canal by brighton On. He, and the rest of the family took a lunch break but he left his line in the water with the bait still on. As soon as he takes a bite from his sandwich, his rod start pulling into the water, in which he couldn't grab in time...

Having a good laugh they finish up lunch, and then as soon as they start fishing his uncle gets a huge bite, followed by a hard fight. Landing the fish, a huge american eel, they notice a second hook in it's mouth so they start to pull in the line, and low and behold there's my dad's first fishing rod. :)
Luckiest catch this year(probably the luckiest so far in fishing). Fishing for trout with #0 spinner. Caught a 4lb bass that fought like a mother... in a water not known to hold Small mouths.
That's pretty neat story... similar thing happened to me but lost my rod trying cast (5-6 years old) on bay of quinte... later that night went out with dad and grandfather on the other side of the lake and my grandfather somehow snagged it, and I got it back, with a perch on to boot to.
Lol wow those stories are great. Im sensing a trend of this happening wile being a kid.. and instantly hooking us to fishing perminantly :p
Indeed a trick catch. In the other circumstances we've had the fish moving the rod which can incease and decrease the chances.. but with no fish on your line i think that kinda helped you cuz you didnt have much area to play with. But regardless hooking your gear back is amazing
Salmon fishing a west end pier a few years back with my dad and his friend and my friend...

Its getting late (or early depending how you look at it) so we send one of the crew on a food run. Friend comes back with the food (pizza) and everyone is suddenly happy after a lackluster night of chucking spoons. My dad says he is going to throw a bottom rig on while we break to eat and leans his rod on the opposite side of one of the cloth chairs that slide up for storage... pizza on the chair... not hard to see whats coming.

The pizza is suddenly airborne and lands flat in the feces ridden pier, the rod ejects for the pier like like an out of control JATO, and the chair goes toppling into the depths... much laughter and ridicule is given to father that night. Good thing it was a cheap rod he reminds us...

Flash forward a year my dad is fishing with my uncle the same spot on the pier and hooks into something.

Caught a $300 dollar rod by the last line guide and reels it in. Fishes with that rod to this very day.

I have told this story before so some longtime members may remember, but I will repeat it for newer members.
Fishing for Kitties in Cootes Paradise in Hamilton, I had something bite and when I set the hook my line snapped at the float. Dam.
While I was retying I was watching my float as it swam up and down the shoreline it went up 100 ft and came back, it was all over so I knew a fish was still attached. By the time I re-rigged my float was right in front of me and I cast out to it. I had a bite right away and brought in a nice Cat with all my hardware from before. I didnt snag the line either, the Cat was hooked in the corner of the mouth, it bit twice in 20 mins.

Will keep this short but the last story is kinda similar to an experience on the ice this year. Set up a couple of flags and we were jigging a couple of holes between then (probably 25ft away) thought there was something wrong with the flasher a solid bar kept showing up 10ft under the hole (fishing in 55ft) every 30seconds for about 10min... I brings my spoon up to that depth and starts jigging when boom fish on. The fish came up VERY easily and was a decent size pike... Well as I tried to lift it out of the hole but it wouldn't come. We are both standing at the hole in disbelief and totally confused. It wasn't until further investigation that we noticed a treble hook in the other side of its mouth as well. The stupid tipup didn't fire and this guy had run the line off it just far enough to be directly under the other hole. We clipped the line and pulled it up the tip up hole, removed both lightly hooked trebles and allowed the pike some time to liven back up and take off. Stupidest or smartest pike ever lol