Major OFF overhaul coming... Fresh ideas wanted!

Ontario Fishing Forums

Help Support Ontario Fishing Forums:

The new forum has some standard social networking features... Facebook connect (log in through your facebook account) Facebook "like this" etc... As for twitter, you can tweet a forum topic to your twitter account, but I'm not sure if you can post to the forum through your twittter account.

I think most people are getting smartphones these days. The new forum will have a mobile skin so you can conveniently read the forum and post to it right from your smartphone.

The holy grail of OFF will be an iphone/android app. I have an amazing idea for this, but we need to get the forum set up in a way that makes sense first...

Update... Doing some test conversions of the forum to the new software on a test board. Spending tomorrow and the next few days testing it out... will update again soon.
I'm sure it's no surprise that the salmon season has caused quite a stir on these forums. I completely concur with Diggs about earning your way to reports.

I don't know if there's a way to enforce a no-report rule on the public forums, but if it's possible, that might be a good thing. I don't want to exclude everyone from wanting to know/learn about fishing, but just to maintain valuable members who contribute and not ones who lurk.

I have to admit that I've learned a lot and have posted my results in return, but some of the threads just get criticized with how the forum works.
I think it would be good if original posts had a time limit on editing. (once a reply is made it's locked) Right now, an original post can be changed after replies and that can skew the context of the reply.
If possible, have an option on the bottom to change forum skins, ex, Classic (this one), the new one, and member submitted skins.
Couple of ideas, one would be a section that contains updated hydrographic charts for each trib (not every station on every river, like one station each, ex. the Streetsville for the credit would be enough, etc).

Another idea is that we seem to have a picture section but not a video section. That would be cool, member uploaded videos, but not like that one that always comes up when you google this place (the horrible cell phone quality rouge river video).
Just a quick update...

There have been a lot of good suggestions made, a few of which will be in place when the new board goes live, while others are a little more complex (such as the interactive fishing maps), requiring a little more time to implement and will therefore be phased in over time.

As for an ETA on the new board, I'm making good progress, but it's taking a little longer than I had originally anticipated... sooooo, it's looking like it will be about a week or so before I have the new board ready for testing, and another few days before it will go live, assuming all goes smoothly. (fingers crossed)

Once the new board is live, we'll implement each new feature one at a time. I'll keep this dialogue open during the entire process so that members can continue to weigh in on what direction they would like to see the board take, feature-wise.
Another suggestion...? Please don't take this personal, but I've been reading some of the reports in the private sections and some of them are terrible. I feel that a member should have a minimum requirement of details to submit a report and have it approved (details on location, photos of a few fish caught, etc).

Some of them didn't even catch any fish. For all I know, you could post a report of your own backyard pond and still gain access to the reports. Or how about a report fishing in the Don River?

Some of them haven't posted much after submitting the reports. It's like one step higher (or lower) than lurkers.
FrankTheRabbit said:
Another suggestion...? Please don't take this personal, but I've been reading some of the reports in the private sections and some of them are terrible. I feel that a member should have a minimum requirement of details to submit a report and have it approved (details on location, photos of a few fish caught, etc).

Some of them didn't even catch any fish. For all I know, you could post a report of your own backyard pond and still gain access to the reports. Or how about a report fishing in the Don River?

Some of them haven't posted much after submitting the reports. It's like one step higher (or lower) than lurkers.

All of this is being addressed in the new reports sections.

a) All first reports will now be done through a new form that will have pre-existing fields, ensuring all the proper details are there. Once a user has access, he/she will be able to submit additional reports the regular way.
:wink: First reports will require actual fish caught for all reports sections except for the Urban Pond Tier 2 reports section. (more on this later)
c) I'm looking at ways to minimize hit and runners. I would like any suggestions you may have regarding this.
openfire said:
c) I'm looking at ways to minimize hit and runners. I would like any suggestions you may have regarding this.

I have an idea for this, but......How about each member having a minimum of 50 posts before being able to have reports excepted. That way people won't be doing hit and runs by just catching a few bellow a dam and posting it lol combine that with the new report rules and I gotta say it's pretty sexy?

Another idea but it could take some time: Deleting the non-helpful reports and re-giving access to the members that caught fish AND have the 50 posts minimum hehehe

ok thats it from me

P.S I have a few new spots I would like to post in the tribs section hehehe

I think what keeps a good forum going is the content and relevant content at that. I admit that I've done my fair share of lurking in other fishing forums, but because posts would be so far and few between, I never wanted to sign up and be a part of it. OFF, on the other hand, has provided a lot of great resourceful information that is filled with users who keep the threads fresh all the time. I think that is what drew me here is because of the great activity.

There's a good core of people here that can help take this forum to a whole new level, but that in turn comes with a lot more commitment. Perhaps more than what an average joe, like myself, could commit.

I liked the idea of going on outings (like the one Pedro & ex0or started) where we could mingle and have an easy day fishing (I would've gone, but work won me over instead).
i had an opportunity to explore the new board for a week or so and it looks sick. i think everyone will like it. patience.