Marvelous Musky

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2013
The weather has been all over the place this summer and that has been moving the water levels up and down in some of our favourite fishing spots. Today we were finally able to hit our home stretch for some bass and ended up with this HUGE surprise in the shallows of the Rideau. She must have been hungry to hit Basstards soft plastic but we won't complain. PB for the Bassassins at 47" and a fish we won't soon forget.

Check out the amazing video because anything I write won't give it justice. A quick little CPR .... ENJOY!

.... couple of pictures to build the excitement!!!


Bassassins said:
It was a small crayfish imitation... Thanks! ;)
WOW! Never even knew muskie fed on crayfish. Do you think it was a reaction strike?? I thought you where going to say, a 7 inch fluke or like a 10inch worm. :p
Awesome catch! And amazing pics.

Regarding the convo above, I have experienced this too with Muskie this spring and early summer, I hooked up with a 15lb Muskie on a 2" Mister Twister Grub and my dad landed a 4 lb Muskie with the same thing. I believe its because in springtime many small minnows and fish are entering the system after hatching and the Muskies are used to seeing lots of smaller prey so they begin to feed on smaller things until the season progresses and the little guys get bigger.
Giuga10 said:
Regarding the convo above, I have experienced this too with Muskie this spring and early summer, I hooked up with a 15lb Muskie on a 2" Mister Twister Grub and my dad landed a 4 lb Muskie with the same thing. I believe its because in springtime many small minnows and fish are entering the system after hatching and the Muskies are used to seeing lots of smaller prey so they begin to feed on smaller things until the season progresses and the little guys get bigger.
Good observation. That is probably it. Nice.