MG Xi5 trolling motor -Where to buy and get installed?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2011
Milton, Ont
I have recently bought a 2006 Smokercraft Progmag 161 and want to replace the bow mount tolling motor. I live in Milton. Any advice on the best place to purchase - and hopefully install it for me? I'd love to find a marine shop who is known for good service and who could offer some advice too on the exact model to buy etc....Thanks!!
that's a though one i really dont think there are places like that your best option is to do your self
The Xi5 trolling motor is made by the Brunswick group which owns Mercury. Your nearest Mercury Dealer should be able to order this trolling motor and it comes in difference variations. You can get the Xi5 with and without PinPoint. Without PinPoint you have a trolling motor that is silent at turning and provides excellent thrust. With PinPoint you have the benefit of a GPS trolling motor to keep you in your spot when retying,tracking a weed edge and hooking up a fish finder at the bow.

For your size of boat you can get away with a 45lb. Thrust but a shorter shaft. My recommendation is a 55LB. Thrust with a 54” shaft. It will still be a 12V system and a group 24 series is fine but a Group 27 series battery will be best. Regret is the biggest thing I find when choosing trolling motors and going bigger will help wth longevity and fishing in the wind. A quick release late will also help you in the long run.

Hope this helps

Cheers Henry - Legend Boats
Extreme Marine I hear does great work. Works on lots of fishing boats. Etobicoke, 427 and albion area.

Troller motors are not very challenging to install.
If you buy an xi5, get the largest battery you can fit in your compartment. A 24 size won't cut it, a 27 is alright but you'd be best with a 31 if you can fit it. I run my xi5 pretty hard and murdered a grp27 battery last season. I'm running a 31 this year.
Thx guys - went with a MG xi5 55 pd with 54" shaft- now installed by a Burlington dealer and ready to test on the water. Boat has a good interstate size 27 battery - so will see how that lasts before buying anything larger...