Mild spell

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fishing89 said:
darn. I was thinking of heading duffsssssss tromorrow afternoon or sunday afternoon. Id think the ice melted off by now with these temps and rain. My office view is righ onto lake Ontario, and most of the ice has started to significantly melt off.
maybe ice fish, those ditches need a week of +temps to melt, even northern tribs are mostly ice covered now, and there were no +temps at night, one day it was +2, thats not enough, and there was snow instead of rain, don't waste your time and money on eastern ditches this time of year!
Dewy said:
PM sent. All I can say is that the shelf ice is unpredictable. It may support you in one area and then let go in another. A fish is not worth anyones life, but I still heard of people fishing off the end section of these shelves.
Thx--Looks like the mild spell more or less got cancelled due to lack of interest. Anyway, I chickened out. I saw a couple of pic on another site of ice pans coming down the river towards guys in waders and it scared the livinbejeezus out of me!
I dont know...its 0/-1 for 3 days straight with rain...overnight it gets to +2 today and tomorrow....Im just going to hope for the best. If anything, I can break ice and bring spinning rod just in case, the 14foot rod wont do lol
coldfeet said:
Snuck an hour in yesterday -nada- almost caught a beaver though
careful with those guys! i know of a few guys who went fishing for salmon last year off some rocks, and hooked a beaver by the a$$ the thing came in and bit the one guys leg, the other guys ran away, if its ever on your line, rip it! i saw this past summer fishing near me in the holland river for pike, some guys were fishing at my usual spot, so i went upstream, then i heard lots of screaming and something swimming and jumping, turns out they hooked a beaver by accident and it swam up to shore ad tried to scare them.
Same one snuck up behind me and slapped it's tail not 2 feet behind me. I was fishing alone at dusk, it was quiet and peaceful - thought I was gonna have a heart attack little varmint scared the crap outta me
coldfeet said:
Same one snuck up behind me and slapped it's tail not 2 feet behind me. I was fishing alone at dusk, it was quiet and peaceful - thought I was gonna have a heart attack little varmint scared the crap outta me

we ran into a bunch of beavers this fall, actually stepped on one as i tried to avoid some hog weed. scared the s**t out of me.

This looks incredibly promising and inciting..... picture taken today by a viewer on weathernetwork
Anybody know what the Huron Tribs would be like tmrw ? Don't know if it's worth driving from London to go check it out
darn, wish I was off work earlier, I was planning on going today before 5. Oh well. Maybe over the weekend