mo chocolate

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Luck is one of my skills!
Oct 28, 2013
was out yeserday and today on a west trib.

yesterday was retarded. the water was overflowing the bank at several spots and there was literally no way to fish without snagging shoreline structure or submerged plantlife

today however was really good!
the water dropped down to a reasonable level and the warm air must have got the bite going because it was on
i landed one little fish but i had 5 on total. id say 2 of them landed but the one came off the hook right near shore with a head shake.

using brown trout roe. they were smashing it. i arrived at first light and fished till 10am. i usually would stay longer but all my roe got smashed off or torn. it was crazy how many hits i was getting.
not sure what was up with the hook sets though kept losing fish untill the last 1. never had that problem so i just chalk it up to bad luck

anyways heres a vid of the conditions and a pic of the one i landed..
water looks surprisingly clear near shore but it was really muddy, 6 inch visibility max


nice little fish
thanks everyone
im running out of free time to get out so its good to have something to show despite the conditions lol
yea man, been loving it.
didnt think it could get as good as the rainbow roe(better even?) but that stuffs deadly right now..

gonna have to order some more soon :)

thanks again brother
yea i went out today too.

i caught 20 fish!

only problem was they were all suckers haha!

only had one steel on and it came off in a fierce run to the rapids :(