More Laker Fun Today

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2010
As usual I was quite late getting to the water, arriving around 1:30ish.

My plan was to use the ultra-deadly blown up worm - but alas! I didn't bring my syringe.

Already very late, I figured why not drive to the nearest pharmacy and at least stick with my plan.

Back with a worm blower (pharmacy needle/syringe works well for this), I proceeded to find some holes from other anglers earlier in the day.

One of my reels didn't have enough line to get down deep, so I tied some extra line on with a uni knot. First drop of the blown up worm (with sinker about 12" from the hook), fish on! Watched it swim up from bottom and hammer it - so much fun! I was in about 90 fow, and it hit around 70 fow.

Nice 18" laker to start the afternoon!

Got another 18" laker a little later in the afternoon. I moved to 160 fow, with my worm down in 90 fow, when I marked a school of baitfish being chased by lakers in 30 fow. I reeled up to meet the fish and the take was instant. Was cool to get one in the reverse way that most lakers are taken! This one put up quite a tug for its size.

Went 2/2, no hut or heater needed today, an absolutely gorgeous day on the ice.

Kept both, will be having a fish fry on Wednesday.

When you are planning to keep your catch, a blown up nightcrawler is a deadly rig. You can use a small hook because when the fish takes it - you're not going to set the hook right away - you can let it really take it and then pretty much just start reeling it in! No need for trebles or stinger hooks. Very simple, very effective rig. I had one rod rigged up with a sliding sinker and one with basic removable sinkers - each one got me a fish.

Fish #2:

For the fly guys - this guy landed next to me today:

Scored this for $5 today at CT. They have them on sale for $10, but for some reason the one with the dvd included was on clearance for $5. Had been using a dollar store knife the odd time I filleted a fish since my last Rapala knife was stolen by a snagger/loogan on a GBay trib.

Nice looking laker there Salmo...
Good to see those flies coming out as well.
Nice work brother - I absolutely love seeing a fish on the finder... reeling up to it and getting that strike.
blown..up..worms..lakers..? How'd u figure that? Mind you I have caught lakers on a crawler harness in the spring/summer but on the ice...i guess. Thanks for sharing.
Shawarma said:
How were the shorelines with the crazy temperature change?

Nice lakers!

About 2-3" of water on top of the ice right near shore, otherwise the conditions were great.

azp said:
blown..up..worms..lakers..? How'd u figure that? Mind you I have caught lakers on a crawler harness in the spring/summer but on the ice...i guess. Thanks for sharing.
Blown up worms present very differently from regular worms, they are expanded so they are highly visible. As your sinker is falling, and afterwards when it either hits bottom or you stop it, the worm remains suspended above the sinker.

My thinking was the more visible it is and the larger it is - the more likely a laker is going to bother going for it.

Bottom line is more visible on descent, and more visible while stationary.
awesome fish bro. i like the whole mission you had to pull in the beginning to get that syringe and extra line tied on lol

gonna have to try to inflated worm technique, makes perfect sense when i think about it
Another great day on the ice today.

Very tired, so I'll give a brief summary of my day!

Finally got on the ice relatively early, I was fishing by 10am I believe. Lots of action, today was my most productive day. Fished til around 3 or 4pm.

I started the morning without setting up my hut - not a great idea. The worm I was going to use instantly froze, and when I tried adding air to it, the needle popped out of place and ended up in my hand. Ouch! Hopefully it heals without any dramas.

Didn't get around to using minnows today, though I did bring some. I used worms all day, and iirc, all of my fish came from the bottom today, in 100 fow (I didn't move holes.)

Accidentally set my portable butane grill on fire, as it was pretty dirty with bacon grease from previous usage, and apparently bacon fat is highly flammable! Luckily, my hut was not secured down today due to low winds, so I immediately flipped it off and went about putting the fire out.

My most memorable fish of the day, was the one I got while napping. I left the bail open and grabbed the line before taking a bit of a snooze in the hut, knowing that if a fish hit, I'd feel the line pulling through my hand which I hoped would be enough to wake me up. It worked, and 10min into my nap, I was reeling in a 16" laker. Kept that one, but otherwise c&r for the day.

Took a shot of my first one of the morning, my smallest laker to date around 14". Hooked beautifully in the top of the mouth, easy release:

Saw lots of deer today, very close up!

The ice was bellowing all day, a new experience for me. Lots of small pressure cracks throughout the lake.

Oh and how could I forget, I got stuck on a very icy hill for a good 30 minutes, and nearly blew my engine trying to reverse back up it. Was about to call CAA, when by some fluke, the owner of the cottage that I was stuck in front of came by. He opened his gate and let me do a u-turn on his property. I got enough speed to make it up but it was tough even with the longer runway and driving forward. Phew!