Multi Species Anglers

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Thanks for all the responses guys !! Glad to know you all.
Alfie, the Musky is the biggest fish i have caught too. I am aining for a 52 incher next season though.:rolleyes:
I caught a 9lb walleye in the Franny to this summer.
When you get to Kingston, try and get to Kingston Mills. Excellent Bass and Pike fishing there.

I have, through the course of the years, fished all through there.My dad was from Jones Falls, and i have Bassed in the Big Rideau Lake, Sand Lake etc.Some beautiful water up through there.
This is excellent news. I will be sharing loads of pics then, once the softwater season starts again. Float fishing and fly fishig looks like a ton of fun too, but i am way too lazy to start walking streams:wink:
I must admit though, trout is a beautiful fish.
Kingston Mills looks interesting. Is it suitable for shore fishing? Thanks Paul.

Honestly, i cant remember. I always went by boat when i was younger. I belive there are places to shore fish though.Try near the locks.

Hey mercman...

I'm a multi species guy... I mostly target 1002 last season...biggest is 12lbs

I also target musky... Biggest is 53.5 inches...

And in the spring I love carp fishing... Biggest is 36lb 12oz

I try not to fish for any more species because then im not staying on top of my preferred fish...