My best day for cats so far

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2013
I took my son out sunday to a local pond we got set up and 5 mins in my rod flies up from my holder and I fight this monster

the rest of the day i managed 8 bullheads,2 blue gills and a jumbo perch! My son managed to pull in 2 bullheads!
Nice Kitty. I got one last night and thought I had something huge on the end of my line. It was pulling drag on 8 lb line and a medium rod and reel. My friend thought I had a Carp on.
Turned out to be a 4 or 5 lb Cat. They sure are a lot of fun and can give you a battle.
Glad you and your son had a great outing. A fish like that and your son will remember it for years. ( and it may turn into 30 in the future ;-) )

Thanks guys! took him out again yesterday and he hit a 14 pound carp on a 5' light action kids ugly stick with spin cast reel.He quickly grabbed his rod and held on but gave up quickly so I hauled it in for him
Jason15 said:
Thanks guys! took him out again yesterday and he hit a 14 pound carp on a 5' light action kids ugly stick with spin cast reel.He quickly grabbed his rod and held on but gave up quickly so I hauled it in for him
Awesome! If that doesn't get him hooked I dont know what will!