My first centrepin experience

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haha yeah Lebovic and his precious lake...along with half of richmond hill that he also owns. He used to park his Rols Royce phantom at the office back in the day.

This spot is RIGHT behind the sales office, the only spot now that had no ice...that should all change tomorrow :) heheh

I have never been approached or ticketed by any police in my 8 years fishing and swimmming and bbq-ing there. But my friends were ticketed by the police twice, once for alcohol and second time for using a boat lol
nice rolls though eh? I remember seeing that ship sit there--nice car--owner a certified prick on a stick
I'm new too, used it maybe 5 times so far and only have a carp as well...funny coincidence.. started off using the side cast (easier to not get tangled with the pin unspooling) but found I had limited range, now I'm in the process of learning the wallis cast which sometimes goes amazing for me 10+ feet, and sometimes causes a horrible mess..

one tip I have is you really ought to try and get out and practice on a windless day, it really makes understanding what you're doing right/wrong easier without the wind as an added obstacle

here is a video I found decent, also has a section on casting but the vids are horrible quality, however the diagrams should be able to help

raven tackle casting videos

I imagine it'll be a while before I master the wallis cast, but it is apparently the best cast

havent got a steelhead since I gave up my spinning setup, but it's just made me more determined, and by the way that drifter looks awesome, I should have traded my R type up