My Rant - Ruining Others Trying to Enjoy Themselves

Ontario Fishing Forums

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I just want to state that I believe it's a lot better this year than previous years. I have yet to see white buckets filled to the top with perch. It seemed like majority of the people were throwing their catches back into the drink.
This is based on weekday experience though. I have no idea how much of a nuthouse it is on the weekends. I refuse to visit on a weekend.

Seaking of conservation officers, an MNR truck was spotted among the cars fishing the holland. What really surprised me though was that it seemed like locals were fined!!! While driving away back to keswick, I noticed the CO going back into the car and a bunch of locals going back into their truck looking unhappy. I was wondering why they were leaving if the action was just gettign started. Who knows though.

I believe I've been checked about 4-5 occassions in the time I've been fishing.

Btw, no white bucket for us. We have a flashy mini red cooler!
ec1 said:
So tonight, got lucky enough to just take a visit to the holland river, but not for fishing. Got there at around 11:20PM and watched some others pitch their bobbers into the water. Upon arriving, i watched a group take out their rods (Yes, I'm Asian , and so were they) but while we were standing and watching, we were approached by an older caucasian male screaming from the bridge to stay away from his car and his buddies'. We were literally 10 metres away from his car, but then comes insults of how chinese people had scratched his car and ran off. Colourful and agressive verbs and adjectives were flying across at each other, but we were only minding our own business. Its sad how people still feel this way about minorities, and only to think i was going to bring friends and family there, but now im scared for their safety.

I was there about a week ago, and i was greeted by other (and theyre not asian) and we've exchanged words like good luck, have a fun day etc. GREAT how one person could ruin it for an entire group.

i seriously think that just being asian is a major disadvantage being in certain areas.
YES I do take fish home to eat, YES I use a White Bucket to carry fish around, YES I do speak a foreign language, Yes, I enjoy eating crappie, bass and walleye, while the bullhead go in soup. and most of all, YES I do stay within the limit and try to be responsible by taking only what i will eat

Hey I am really sorry that you had a crappy time, even though you were not fishing. I dont know what the world is coming to these day's. I am 23 years old but I have been on my own since i was 15. I feel i am very mature for my age and I dont understand why people my age and younger, feel the need to make someones day/night crap. Its almost like they get kicks out of making someone else feel bad, and I dont see any pleasure in that. You may think your the minority, but the simple fact is us caucations (i know thats wrong) are. Their are more foreign immagrints in canada than ever, If it was'nt for immagration Canada would eventually not survive because of lack of population. I think its really sick the way people act toward any "minority" or anyone for that matter, Last year on Bronte Harbour I preformed a citizens arrest on a kid that decided it would be fun to push in a couple of croations off the pear when the water was freezing. Needless to say I gave the kid quite a few before the cops got their. And the police were more than happy to get the little punks a good scare and away from the people who were just enjoying,or trying to enjoy a quite night of fishing. I dont recommend anyone getting into a fight, or physical, its much easyer to just call, But I knew that this little !@#$ was trying to run away. If anything ever happens again, call the police. They do not mind coming to even make their presence known, and deter any of the idiots that congregate in these areas. I am a Provincial Offenses Officer and work with cops everyday, believe me a call to go assist someone whos fishing would be a lovely call compared to what they usually get. Again im really sorry you had a bad time, and just like everyone else has said, dont let it spoil the time you could have, their will always be idiots that pss through your life, but its the good people that you will remeber in the end.
Keep your chin up and your line wet

You mean this wasn't for fish?
Sorry... violence isn't the answer.
Really! I am not that type of a person*
Hey MikeyMikey I am all for the no violence, but I think if you take something like that with you it will be enough of a deterant than anything I've seen,lol. I used to carry Dog Pepper Spray in my box, had a bad experience fishing for smallmouths on the grand river once, some crazy dog from the reserve chased me into the river. The chrome bat is a nice touch though,lol.
" I am all for the no violence, but I think if you take something like that with you it will be enough of a deterant"

Don't start playing the mine is bigger than yours game because everyone will lose in the end and it only takes one punk with a dam gun to end it all!

Enjoy your time out after all we go fishing to relax not start wars!
YAWN said:
" I am all for the no violence, but I think if you take something like that with you it will be enough of a deterant"

Don't start playing the mine is bigger than yours game because everyone will lose in the end and it only takes one punk with a dam gun to end it all!

Enjoy your time out after all we go fishing to relax not start wars!

True enough YAWN, and Im sure we all can attest to the fact thats theirs too many punks with guns out their.
All it would take is some idiot to use it to ruin fishing for a long time for someone, or everyone.
McLean said:
ec1 said:
So tonight, got lucky enough to just take a visit to the holland river, but not for fishing. Got there at around 11:20PM and watched some others pitch their bobbers into the water. Upon arriving, i watched a group take out their rods (Yes, I'm Asian , and so were they) but while we were standing and watching, we were approached by an older caucasian male screaming from the bridge to stay away from his car and his buddies'. We were literally 10 metres away from his car, but then comes insults of how chinese people had scratched his car and ran off. Colourful and agressive verbs and adjectives were flying across at each other, but we were only minding our own business. Its sad how people still feel this way about minorities, and only to think i was going to bring friends and family there, but now im scared for their safety.

I was there about a week ago, and i was greeted by other (and theyre not asian) and we've exchanged words like good luck, have a fun day etc. GREAT how one person could ruin it for an entire group.

i seriously think that just being asian is a major disadvantage being in certain areas.
YES I do take fish home to eat, YES I use a White Bucket to carry fish around, YES I do speak a foreign language, Yes, I enjoy eating crappie, bass and walleye, while the bullhead go in soup. and most of all, YES I do stay within the limit and try to be responsible by taking only what i will eat

Hey I am really sorry that you had a crappy time, even though you were not fishing. I dont know what the world is coming to these day's. I am 23 years old but I have been on my own since i was 15. I feel i am very mature for my age and I dont understand why people my age and younger, feel the need to make someones day/night crap. Its almost like they get kicks out of making someone else feel bad, and I dont see any pleasure in that. You may think your the minority, but the simple fact is us caucations (i know thats wrong) are. Their are more foreign immagrints in canada than ever, If it was'nt for immagration Canada would eventually not survive because of lack of population. I think its really sick the way people act toward any "minority" or anyone for that matter, Last year on Bronte Harbour I preformed a citizens arrest on a kid that decided it would be fun to push in a couple of croations off the pear when the water was freezing. Needless to say I gave the kid quite a few before the cops got their. And the police were more than happy to get the little punks a good scare and away from the people who were just enjoying,or trying to enjoy a quite night of fishing. I dont recommend anyone getting into a fight, or physical, its much easyer to just call, But I knew that this little !@#$ was trying to run away. If anything ever happens again, call the police. They do not mind coming to even make their presence known, and deter any of the idiots that congregate in these areas. I am a Provincial Offenses Officer and work with cops everyday, believe me a call to go assist someone whos fishing would be a lovely call compared to what they usually get. Again im really sorry you had a bad time, and just like everyone else has said, dont let it spoil the time you could have, their will always be idiots that pss through your life, but its the good people that you will remeber in the end.
Keep your chin up and your line wet

this is good information to know. thanks!
I'm Asian and I always release the fish back into the water. I think I surprised Asian people the most when they saw me releasing a tons of fish back in the water.
No worries chibi, we should all stick together against these idiots,(idiots being the ones who give us fisherman a hard time, or try to ruin a perfectly good day for no reason.)
and if nothing else works call MikeyMikey, I hear he's got a nice crome goose wacker,lol.
YAWN said:
“i seriously think that just being asian is a major disadvantage being in certain areas.
YES I do take fish home to eat, YES I use a White Bucket to carry fish around, YES I do speak a foreign language, Yes, I enjoy eating crappie, bass and walleye, while the bullhead go in soup. and most of all, YES I do stay within the limit and try to be responsible by taking only what i will eat”

As for Asian comment, It isn’t right but perhaps some can see where they get that misconception from and perhaps it’s the communities job to recast there image?

You ever see an Asia release a single fish?

I haven’t! What I have seen are buckets full of everything things so small you wouldn’t use em for bait so maybe that’s where that misconception comes from?


Just because you've never seen Asians release fish doesn't mean all Asians keep every fish they catch.
I am Asian and I've released way more fish then I've ever kept. I dislike being stereotyped :twisted: .

disspatcher said:
YAWN said:
"As long as these white bucket anglars have paid for a valid fishing licenece, they are all within thier legal rights to keep as much as they like."

Thats the problem thought, Not many people get a valid fishing license anymore.

In my whole life I have been asked to show it ONCE. Anyone else been asked ever intrested to know?
I would prefer getting asked for it more often then at least I know out resource is being protected!

As for the out of hand comment: I think were all big boys and girls here touchy subject but speak your mind!!

Not many people get licences anymore....quite a bold statement do you have stats on that?
My point was even IF they are fishing without a licence, it is up to the authorities to handle it, NOT the local residence.
It is the MINISTRY'S problem they do not enforce it enough, just like you said, you have been asked once!!!!
(Anyone who says they hate to see a conservation officer obviosly isnt playing within the rules! )
Therefore who is at fault here?
As for "speaking your own mind" yes please! :x

All we ask is that we keep it respectful. And like I said,I have read this subject on other boards and it has many oppurtunities to get out of hand, and the mods on that board unfortunaly had to shut it down..becasue they couldnt be big boys and girls!

I agree with disspatcher here (not trying to bash you Yawn)

I've never been asked to see my license but i've gotten one every year.

I've seen Asian families fishing next to me keep every fish they catch even if they are only a few inches. This bothered me a whole lot, but there was nothing I could do then except feel embarrassed. I would actually be glad if I saw a conservation officer everywhere I went to fish because then I know I won't have to feel embarrassed :twisted: .

I can understand that this is a touchy subject, when you feel someone might be abusing a fishery, or "poaching" and you wish a conservation officer was around. The truth is Ontario has so few Conservation Officers left the likelyhood of you seeing one in a year is rare. This past year I was at Bronte Creek and witnessed countless people of all ages snagging, gutting and dumping spawning salmon and trout on shore and just taking row, then leaving the dead carcass on the ground for someone to step in when their consummed by maggots. This bugged me alot because of how amazing the fishing could be if these people were not around, I thought of how amazing it would be to one day take my son to the very spot that I had my first 20+ catch and release day of trout fishing. I almost felt like a rat calling mnr, and waited till i got home, I spoke to numerous officers and was put through alot of questions before I got someone who could understand the area and the concern I had for our natural resources that were already in jepordy from all the other things against them. The truth is it is up to all of us to step up and do something about it, if these people do have a license then no harm no foul, but if they are caught doing things illegally then the should be dealt with accordingly. Think of it this way, if someone was breaking into your car and someon else saw it and did not report it and the vandals got away scot free would that be okay with you? Well in my mind theirs no difference. The next day I went to the creek and saw an officer scouting the creek with binoculars, he was watching people and then proceeded to check licenses and inform people on what they could keep if they wanted, and that if they only wanted the row from a fish, they had to properly dispose of the carcass and they were done fishing for the day. I know their were a couple people that were charged with no license, snagging and I overheard someone talking about a guy that was charged with netting salmon and putting them in his trunk,he had no license. I felt a little better that day knowing that I might have saved some fish that potentially could spawn and that their might be that many more salmon/trout back in the following year.
Their is a program that the MNR is asking for support with called River Watch, this website will give more info, I have talked to MNR and to be a part of it you dont have to walk around wering a vest and showing people that you are observing them, but you will be given a # that directly contacts the local Officer on duty that day to report somthing that is out of the ordinary or even out right lawbreaking.
I hope no one thinks i am wrong here, but I feel that with the way things are going with our province the lack of funding is only going to get worse, and without our help the MNR will not be able to fully protect the future of our fisheries, if not for yourself guys/girls then do it for the future generations so that when you tell your fishing stories someday people will believe them because the fishing is still just as good or better than it once was.
McLean said:
I can understand that this is a touchy subject, when you feel someone might be abusing a fishery, or "poaching" and you wish a conservation officer was around. The truth is Ontario has so few Conservation Officers left the likelyhood of you seeing one in a year is rare. This past year I was at Bronte Creek and witnessed countless people of all ages snagging, gutting and dumping spawning salmon and trout on shore and just taking row, then leaving the dead carcass on the ground for someone to step in when their consummed by maggots. This bugged me alot because of how amazing the fishing could be if these people were not around, I thought of how amazing it would be to one day take my son to the very spot that I had my first 20+ catch and release day of trout fishing. I almost felt like a rat calling mnr, and waited till i got home, I spoke to numerous officers and was put through alot of questions before I got someone who could understand the area and the concern I had for our natural resources that were already in jepordy from all the other things against them. The truth is it is up to all of us to step up and do something about it, if these people do have a license then no harm no foul, but if they are caught doing things illegally then the should be dealt with accordingly. Think of it this way, if someone was breaking into your car and someon else saw it and did not report it and the vandals got away scot free would that be okay with you? Well in my mind theirs no difference. The next day I went to the creek and saw an officer scouting the creek with binoculars, he was watching people and then proceeded to check licenses and inform people on what they could keep if they wanted, and that if they only wanted the row from a fish, they had to properly dispose of the carcass and they were done fishing for the day. I know their were a couple people that were charged with no license, snagging and I overheard someone talking about a guy that was charged with netting salmon and putting them in his trunk,he had no license. I felt a little better that day knowing that I might have saved some fish that potentially could spawn and that their might be that many more salmon/trout back in the following year.
Their is a program that the MNR is asking for support with called River Watch, this website will give more info, I have talked to MNR and to be a part of it you dont have to walk around wering a vest and showing people that you are observing them, but you will be given a # that directly contacts the local Officer on duty that day to report somthing that is out of the ordinary or even out right lawbreaking.
I hope no one thinks i am wrong here, but I feel that with the way things are going with our province the lack of funding is only going to get worse, and without our help the MNR will not be able to fully protect the future of our fisheries, if not for yourself guys/girls then do it for the future generations so that when you tell your fishing stories someday people will believe them because the fishing is still just as good or better than it once was.

yeah that's true. i think we have somewhat of a moral obligation to make sure that everything is running in swell order. we are given the privilege of fishing but it isn't all that easy. we must abide by laws and help out where the lack of COs can't - even if it's simply through a phone call.
Well. I guess Ill throw an opinion on the water.

When I was on tour in Afganistan in 2005, I had the oppertunity to work with people from many countries. Austrailia, Chinese, New Zeland, Austria, Great Britian, Germany, the US, Hungarian, France, Afganistan, etc..

While working with the people and the local population I learned something. Making fun of other people based upon thier level of experience, ethic background, sex, religion, cultural background, etc. Was a total waste of time. I saluted my fallen comrades on the ramp in Kabul with just as much respect as our own. And I treated the others with as much respect.

I played foosball with the French, and Germans, and allthough we couldnt speak the same lanugage, and we may be different in appearance, thats just about the extent of it. And really its not a big deal. We all worked together, slept and ate together. And we laughed and hurt all the same. Therefore, we are all the same.

The lesson I learned there I carried back with me. I wish the public would learn the same.

Hold your head up high, regardless of what you look like, or the gods (if any) you worship. And if it happens again. Just smile because it will confuse them, and laugh because sooner or later they will get whats coming to them.
Well said Hyperfox, and I wish more people did think like that. But unfortunatley its not that easy in some cases, more and more kids these days are growing up racist because of exposure from family or even people they heard and looked up to. I take this from personal experience from something I was taught at a young age because I lived close to a native reserve. I was told and overheard numerous times that Indians were drunks/sniffed gas/ and basically were not as smart as "normal" people. I didnt think anything of it as a kid it was just what was believed by my family. I moved away at 15 after I was given up for adoption, and have been in burlington for the past 5 years. At 20 years old I bought my first dirtbike(yz250) and a friend of mine had a relative who owned a cottage an hour past Timmins ON, on a native Reserve called Gogama and we decided to go their bikeing for a week. I remember worring that we would get their and their would be a bunch of drunks, or that my bike would be stolen or just thinking negativley in general about what was going to happen upon arrival. The night we arrived we were invieted to a party by the lake were the natives told stories and answered questions I had about the reserve I was on. They were the nicest people I have met in a long time and the folowing day the took my the"city boy" to a remote fishing lake only accesible from bike or air, and it was some of the best fishing I have ever had, they were the complete opposite that I had been braught up believing. I almost felt bad in a way because I thought that I should not have gone so long thinking that something was one way when I didnt know first hand.
Now im sure their are some bad in the bunch, but thats with any ethnicity.
I feel that todays youth as in the past are picking up on Discrimination from the things they here or are taught at home. This cannot be changed until the person themselves realizes they're wrong. It took me 20 years but now I can say that no matter waht nationality you may be I have not a racisit bone in my body, we are all cut from the same cloth and I think we could all learn a little from HyperFox.
I would like to think its the kids growing up today that will change our tomorrow. But it is up to us to lead them the correct path. I think Racist is a little harsh word tho. To be racist you must have a "hate" for a certain community and I truly believe people are more ignaorant of each others cultures and that divides us, rather than a true dislike for each other. With a little patience and education, things can and will change.

Just not as fast as most of us would like. But it is a work in progress!

my 2 cents
So true, Kids these days are exposed to things that never really were a problem before, tv for example. I remember when the could not say ass on tv, now they say anything. I think that it really comes down to the parenting here though, I mean I have seen some 13 kids that you would think were 18 acting very resonsible holding doors for elderly women, saying thank you, just all and all polite. Then you see the kids that are just little, B@$tards,lol and you think if that was my kid I would not allow them to act that way, and you look at the parents (if their around) and they are in their own world.
I just found out that I have a baby on the way a few days ago, my first....Keep your fingers crossed for a boy guys/gals,lol jk as long as it heathy.

But when my child arrives no matter what its sex, I cant wait to teach it how to be a good person. Its crazy to think but sometimes parents just give up and cant deal with all the fighting ect, that a child gives them. I know thats what a child does, but i look forward to re-enforcing why its so important that they be a good person in life, carma is a strong thing I have found with personal experience.
It all up to us people,
McLean said:
So true, Kids these days are exposed to things that never really were a problem before, tv for example. I remember when the could not say ass on tv, now they say anything. I think that it really comes down to the parenting here though, I mean I have seen some 13 kids that you would think were 18 acting very resonsible holding doors for elderly women, saying thank you, just all and all polite. Then you see the kids that are just little, B@$tards,lol and you think if that was my kid I would not allow them to act that way, and you look at the parents (if their around) and they are in their own world.
I just found out that I have a baby on the way a few days ago, my first....Keep your fingers crossed for a boy guys/gals,lol jk as long as it heathy.

But when my child arrives no matter what its sex, I cant wait to teach it how to be a good person. Its crazy to think but sometimes parents just give up and cant deal with all the fighting ect, that a child gives them. I know thats what a child does, but i look forward to re-enforcing why its so important that they be a good person in life, carma is a strong thing I have found with personal experience.
It all up to us people,

congratulations =D
Thanks chibi,
im super excited looking forward to a fishing partner, girl/boy doesnt matter. due date is approx dec 25, so i think maybe 3 years max before im going to be really teaching him/her anything but I cant wait.