need help with leader length and shot patterns

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Sep 29, 2014
Hi all, I am new to float fishing and I am having trouble figuring out the length I need between float and end of main line. I have been using a flouro leader about 18 inches long. I understand that the bait of choice should be drifting ahead of the float. If my float is ahead of the bait what am I doing wrong?? More weight? Less weight? Change length of float to swivel? If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated!


:cool: :cool: :cool:
If your float is going ahead, your bait is possibly too far from the float and is dragging bottom adjust. bulk up shots next to your float. For me it's always familiarizing the water. You won't get it on the first 5 drifts unless you know the water. Remember water conditions changes. the beds changes as well. It may look the same but God knows whats in the bottom the next day.
Hey there, Im pretty sure that i am not dragging bottom. I did not know that I should have some tension on float. I would try to let it drift as free as possible, but doing this lets line sit on water which is not good right? I will try adding more weight and maybe shortening whole rig. Hey IR4J when I click your link it says site not found. Thanks for your advice, I will try holding back float a bit.
when you bulk up shots close to your cuts water better and will drift slower than your bait. Holding your float back helps as well.
If you read Ontario Out of Doors, Mike Borger has a good article in this months's issue on float selection, shot set- up etc..