Need to downsize

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Normally I only fish close to where I have my Trailer and this is mostly for Browns in a catch and release area.
This year I will be fishing further upstream and if I use my car on the weekends most of my fly rods will not fit ( small car ) the option is of course using the truck but I enjoy driving my car so that option is less appealing.
My 3 , and 4 wt rods are 2 piece 9' so they don't fit . I guess I will be checking out a few places for 4 pce rods in these sizes. Sail has some ST Croix and Hardy along with Sage . Although I will be damned if I will pay $1000.00 for a wrap of graphite so this takes some of the Sage rods out of the market , unless it is really special that is.
Does any one have suggestions for a quality 3-4 wt Rod 4 pce??
im trying to figure out how a 9ft 2pc rod doesn't fit in a car? cars are more than 4.5ft wide and definitely more than 4.5ft long. just break the rods in half when you travel and lay them across the back seat. or set the butt end on the floor in the passenger side and have the rods lay upright against the seat.
I have trouble seeing the issue unless your driving one of those "smart cars" I drive a Pontiac vibe and I can get my 10'6 in there no problem(in two pieces of course)

Ross Essence FC are a good option. Just got a 3wt and am anxious to try it. For cheaper options there is the Greys G10 series which run about $90 if you can catch them on sale and are decent. Of you are driving a had then a $1000 rod should be fine, lol.
No room with the roll bar supports and no room to properly set them in the front without having them in your face . A simpler solution is to just go with my original thought and use 4 pce rods ,the question is what rods are a good choice nowadays . I will be replacing the STCrox ultra and HardyvSoveriegn series and thought the same St Croix would be a cost effective way for a couple of new rods.
i've got ross rx, in 6wt, absolutely amazing rod! so easy to cast. I have used the ross fc as well and its pretty decent as well. also look at TFO or Echo. I believe TFO is Gary Loomis' new project, and Echo is a Rajeff company
Had no idea that Ross even had a line of rods . I remember that as being strictly Reels. The older Loomis rods that I remember where distance casting but not really good for fishing , I always found the Sage to perform better . However this was a number of years ago so times have changed . I am actually seeing a lot about the Echo rods and this seems to be well thought of as well.
I would like to look into the Ross rods a little more. Can you tell me where these are sold, today is supposed to be a nice day again and I am going to take a few hours of and get the car out for a drive and then give it a bath before putting it back so I just might go shopping.
sail has some, and probably wilsons

loomis rods have changed quite a bit. they can still cast a mile, but are also pretty good in close as well, i have an nrx 8wt, and absolutely love it for steelhead
I have the greys g10 series 3wt but yet to try it so couldn't really tell ya how it performs but its 3 or 4 pcs and at a little over 100$ it seemed like an alright choice for a beginner like myself
I have a 4 wheel drive. Truck but it just does not handle the same as the FType and I spend weekends up by where I fish so I like to drive my car after all it is my summer toy . If I am kayak fishing then the truck is used .
I will pay for a good Rod but I wont overpay ,l just feel a fly rod is not worth $1000.00 I have done that in the past when I would get caught up in the name and not really thinking of the overall value and I have purchased overpriced items ut own days
Paying 5 or 600 in my mind is the limit for any Rod .
But that's just me and perhaps my priority,s are screwed up
Duncan said:
I will pay for a good Rod but I wont overpay ,l just feel a fly rod is not worth $1000.00 I have done that in the past when I would get caught up in the name and not really thinking of the overall value and I have purchased overpriced items ut own days
Paying 5 or 600 in my mind is the limit for any Rod .
But that's just me and perhaps my priority,s are screwed up
totally agree with you on this. There are stuff you can spend big bucks and then there are stuff that have a wide price range but the quality is almost comparable. The difference between an ordinary sedan & your car in relative to quality and price is reasonable. I can't say it would be the same with fishing rods. But that's just me as well.

For example. I'd buy a $80-$150 Rod but you won't find me buying a $10-$15 Rapala or any high end lure. I'd rather buy smithwicks and bombers and daiwas...
Not to much available from the Sail store here in Burlington.i did look at the entry level Echo Rod 9' 4 wt and while it would be a nice wet fly rod . I thought perhaps the tip action to be a little slow for dry,s .
The Sage approach 9' 4wt had a nicer feel but I found the finish was a little lacking on the Rod.
I will try Grindstone Anglers tomorrow , they tell me they have Orvis ,Hardy and A Rod I have never heard of before but apparently is very good , the Mystic fly rod .
Hopefully I can find something that I like locally .
Duncan said:
I have a 4 wheel drive. Truck but it just does not handle the same as the FType and I spend weekends up by where I fish so I like to drive my car after all it is my summer toy . If I am kayak fishing then the truck is used .

well yea, no kidding, you can't compare a sports car to truck, its not the same.