new baitcaster combo!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2013
Hello all,

i just bought a Abu Garcia Revo SX with Power Pro line braided 20 lbs test wih a St.Croix 6feet 6 inch med-heavy. I think this will be a great set up for bass and pike.
also i got a ultra light for xmas St.Croix 6 foot med/fast rod with a Shimano Sedona FD. for river fishing for trout and bass. i think she'll work...

any tips for either set would be great. thanks
You are man of good taste...I own three St. Croix casting rods (mojo bass and premier) all equipped with AG reels. You will be happy with your setup. Don't be afraid to go up to 40 - 50lb braid if the 20lb is binding and fraying on you. Judging by the background and the nice pike in that picutre, I know exactly where you will be putting your gear to the test. Heavier rod for the win in that water.

Good luck!
Sounds like a good setup! Which model st. Croix did you get? Im with nate82, if u get birdnests, throw some heavier line. Right now I'm using 40 Ib braid on my baitcaster, and I rarely get backlashes
Seems like a nice set up, I hear what the guys above are saying about 40-50lb braided, I too tried this, but really didn't like the thickness and such heavy braided line. On all my bait casters I am using a suffix 832 20lb braided line and would never change it. That being said, Im not sure if you are learning to use a bait caster or not but if you are just starting out I recommend you put mono on first, to get a feel for it (much easier to untangle or get bird nests out) than you can always switch to your braid when you have the technique down. Just my thoughts
the baitcaster is the avid series casting and the ultra lite is the avid series spinning

thanks for the tips