New OFF Banner Contest

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efka said:
well if that the case than shouldn't logo contain full name of the website?
oh and i dont think ive seen logo with web adress in it.
looking at the logo above from little distance all you can see is OFF. (you cant read the fine print bellow)
im not trying to be critical to the existing banner author, just dint know it was logo. its just my opinion.

I noticed no on agreed or disagreed and i can't do these things for life of me,lol. but i do kinda agree, but take into fact, this gets put on a hat, it will be enlarged than what it is and become more visible. And most likely on a hat, the web addressee would be on the back of the hat as well, and the boat with the guy on it helps with the OFF as well. I think that would make people who see the boat n guy who are into fishing to a) get a closer look :lol: go home and Google it. And on shirts or anything else, the logo will be expanded to proper size and everything else would become more legible. Not trying to seem like a prick or something, just an input.

balapickerel said:
you could make the web adress go around it like the writing on a coin

the only problem that you would have with that is that the boat would be in the way, and that would mean totally redesigning the logo.
just playing around....
lol, and i'm sorry efka i forgot to comment on your banners, i must say i like 1 and 2 the same as everyone else. would like to see what number 2 with the logo in it to see what it looks like maybe please? lol.
Efka, I like number 2... but i think it needs more contrast :lol:

mikey... i like them both ... they are bold and get the point across
just saving the best for last :?
nah, just kidding, but I WILL work on this as soon as I find some time. School is making me not want to do anything as soon as i finish my homework.
i agree about school sucking, but think about it, if you hadn't gone to school how many friends would you have. i know i would only have about four friends but know i have too many to count
i am not very good with computers but if i load on a drawn banner would someone be willing to add the logo for me, if so please post and say yes.
balapickerel said:
i am not very good with computers but if i load on a drawn banner would someone be willing to add the logo for me, if so please post and say yes.

Since it'll be a hand drawn work... it would be best to use a scanner to keep it at highest quality.
balapickerel said:
i agree about school sucking, but think about it, if you hadn't gone to school how many friends would you have. i know i would only have about four friends but know i have too many to count

that is true, when i was in high school, now that im not and i've been working for some years, i only have 1 friend that i went to high school with that i still see almost everyday, everyone else was work or met thru a friend,lol.

and I could try and put it on, i will try that is,lol.
A few questions...Just about like everyone else on this forum lol. Anyway, are we allowed to use photos from the web, and also what programs are apprpriate for constructing banners? Feedback is extremly appreciated :cry:
id say yes to the web pics, and i dont think it matters, as long as its open able by all programs n see able on all browsers and meets the size requirements.
OK, I'll be entering my banner in the next week or that school is FINALLY done.